Werewolf bite and the pines

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Theseus pov
Bill was my guide the fatherly figure I never had. He helped me escape the orphanage after I made the deal. Its been a couple of weeks the best ones ive had in a long time. Yet Bill had other things to do which he said were very important. I wandered off of the house he made me stay at. I wanted to do something but to my lick it was night. I knew it was dangerous but I had to. I couldn't stay here and wait for Bill. I needed to feel useful. I went out i had a feeling I was going to regret it. As I walked and walked I realized I didnt know were I was. I started to feel eyes on me and there was. Red eyes
stared at me i tried to yell for help. But it was no use I was scared. The creature was half man half wolf. It was a werewolf I didnt want its curse. It lunged at me I tried hitting it but my strength deserted me in my time of need. Iwas bitten in the shoulder. It ran away as it heard yelling and I blacked out. But not before seeing two people walk up to me. They were asking if I was okay yet I gave no response.
I felt arms carry me towards somewhere I had no idea.
Dipper's pov
Me and Mabel went to the woods to explore. This summer was very eventful so far. With that crazy insane traingle named Bill around . I felt the need to escape into the woods with my sister. We werent suprised that after searching we found nothing. It was always the same sometimes. We then heard a muffled yell somewhere near us. We ran to see what happened we found a kid losing a lot of blood. He seemed pale he had a bite on his shoulder. Mabel kept asking if he was okay yet the kid gave no answer. We had to help so we carried him all the way to the mystery shack. I finally got to see how he reallly looked blonde hair, skinny, what if he died. Dipper stay focused and stop thinking crazy things. Mabel helped me bandage the kid up. Mabel thought he was cute. I just shrugged I didnt know what to think of him he looked weak.
Mabel's pov
I dont know what happened to this kid. Why was he in the woods? He doesnt seem to be from here. He was very pale. I went to get the first aid kit. I told Stan that we found a kid out in the woods. That he was hurt and needed our help. Stan let us help him. He also allowed him to stay the nights he needed. I didnt know how long he would need. But I must admit he was cute. In a very adorable way. When I told dipper he just shrugged. I knew he was worried about this new kid. As well as anxious to see what this new kid had in store for us.

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