Meeting Lil Gideon, Amnesia and the dance

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Theseus pov
I was the happiest person on the earth. Bailey was finally my girlfriend. I had something special planned already with the help of Aunt Mabel. She said she was an expert at it I didnt argue. I planned on going to the party Aunt Mabel had planned. I was helping put up the posters. Aunt Mabel was with me and Uncle Dipper too. They asked why I was going toward Bailey yesterday. I told them the truth " I was going to kill her Bill messed with my head. She seemed to be mocking me and that headache was to much. If she hadnt kissed me she wouldnt be here. Im sorry if you dont want me anymore but im staying no matter what." I saw them think they suprised me they higged me. I cried and then I heard someone clap. It was a short chubby boy in blue. He looked at me with suspicious eyes. He talked " Lil' marshmallow who is this?." I introduced myself as Theseus. He laughed and told me to leave along with Dipper. I told him no and he asked if I was Mabel's boyfriend. I growled in an inhuman way. I was angry and I was more wolf at the moment. Aunt Mabel saw and tried to calm me down but I was lost. I looked at the chubby boy I shook hard. I growled again more animal than man. I saw Aunt Mabel yell at the boy " Gideon look what you did." He was gone he let them with me. I fell clutching my head I screamed. It was to much then nothing. I got up I was a wolf I saw two people come close. I growled and bared my teeth. The girl told me to stop. I dint know who it was I saw the boy make a sudden movement. I jumped at him. I almost bit his neck. He looked at me with terrified eyes. The girl started to cry. I felt a sharp pain and I got off the boy. I ran and half way I was human. I didnt know where I was. The boy and girl looked at me scared. I ran and saw a mansion. A girl was out there. I waved and she came close. I asked if she knew where they sold pain medicine she said she did. I followed her she seemed nice I asked her her name she said I knew already. I said I didnt know her name but it must have been a unique name because she seemed unique. She bought me pain medicine and water. I drank them them now the ache was a throb. I got was about to leave when the girl turned me around and kissed me. I kissed back it felt right then wrong I paid no attention. She told me I would be her date to a dance held at the Mystery shack. She said to pick her up at 700 pm. I said of course and kissed her hand and left. I needed to buy clothes I saw a store and checked my pockets. I had about 100 dollats enough for a tuxedo. I bought a black tuxedo with a white undershirt and a white vest. The bowtie was yellow to. I paid and walked into the diner. I saw those kids again the ones that saw me as a wolf. I quickly got out but they noticed and followed. I walked fast they caught up and asked me what I was doing. I told them to leave me alone. The boy started to touch me but I moved. I told them to stop or I would make them stop. I was in a bad mood now. I ran fast they didnt catch up. It was close to 700 by the time I got back to the mansion. I changed and went to knock on the door. A very butler opened the door and I asked if a girl my age was here. He said yes and I saw the most beautiful girl in pretty dress. I held out my hand and I told her to hold on to my neck she did. I turned to a wolf she gasped. We got there right at 7 i let her down. I held out my hand once again and she took it. I paid for the tickets being sold at the front. I opened the door for her and let her in. She blushed she then told me her name was Pacifica. I said I was Theseus. I kissed her on the lips. As I pulled her into the dance floor. A slow dance was one and I enjoyed every second. After it I excused myself to go to the restroom. I ran into a boy on the way the same one that tried to touch me. His eyes got wide. He said " Theseus Bailey is waiting Mabel told me you would dance with her as your suprise. This is your both of your guys date remember?" I told him he was crazy and that my date was Pacifica. I saw a girl come out of the bathroom wearing a pretty dress too. I made eye contact and she hugged me. I stiffened I didnt know who she was. She must have noticed something was wrong. She backed away. I said that she had no right to hug me. I only let my date hug and kiss me. She started to cry I told her she was ugly. She sobbed and ran. The boy looked at me and tried to punch me. I moved and threw him down the steps. Then the girl from earlier saw me with a horrified look. I ignored her. The kid I threw had banged his head on the floor. The girl helped him up. He struck me in the face I was now bleeding from the lip. I heard him say jerk. I hit him making his vision swim. I was then allowed to stay if I remained calm. I did and danced with Pacifica. I kissed her in dront of all tje people here. I took the kiss to the next level. I kissed her and made out with her. The girl Bailey ran up the stairs. I stopped and took Pacifica home. I said goodbye and kissed her softly and left. I went back to the shack. The dance had ended and I was left with them. The girl told me why did i do that to Dipper and Bailey.I said " I dont know who you are. I dont know."

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