Protecting and hanging out.

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Theseus pov
I mustered the courage to talk to Bailey. I was outside with my aunt Mabel as I saw Bailey walk by. I grabbed a flower and told her to come over. She asked what I wanted and I told her"Here a beautiful flower for the most beautiful girl." I saw her blush bright pink. I smirked after I told her that and she then said " IIII'll be over there if you need me." I laughed and my aunt just smiled. I asked her if we could go explore the town and then eat in the diner. She said yes and went to get Uncle Dipper. I turned into a wolf and went to find Bailey. I found her inside the shack sitting and reading a magazine. I barked which startled her. I then tossed her on my back and ran outside to were my uncle and aunt were waiting. When I saw my uncle I let Bailey get off and knocked him down. I licked his face. He just stroked my fur I knew he wasnt used to me yet. But I still cared for him he gave me a chance and I wasnt going to disappoint him. We started walking into the town. We went all around but my uncle and aunt hesitated when we got to the Northwest Mansion. I turned into my human form. I had changed after my aunt told me to get something from a store. I had shorts on and a yellow shirt. With my same shoes I had when I was disowned again. As well as a black sweater on top of my shirt. As we passed the mansion a girl walked up to me. She said " The names Pacifica what are you doing with these losers. All the pines are losers come hang out with me instead." I was getting angry how dare she insult the pines. I was about to grab her and harm her but Uncle Dipper held me back. He said I had to solve things with words not by harming others. I told her that the pines were very good people and that the twins were my aunt and uncle. If she had a problem with them then she had it with me. I smiled and handed her a slip. It said your pretty we should hang out.( Fake phone number). She blushed and I walked off with the twins and Bailey following. I did mean what i wrote she was pretty in her own way. Rebellious when she let the common folk into her mansion when her parents said no. With a little help from Uncle Dipper of course. Mabel looked confused because I gave Pacifica a note. Bailey looked angry and worried. I thought she was jelly. She then made eye contact with me I saw sadness. I liked her more. I then asked if we could go to the lake until we had to go back. They all said ya I ran. I got to the lake and jumped in as a wolf. It was fun and the water was a good tempature. I sneaked behind all of them and knocked them in. I turned human and laughed till my side hurt. They werent very happy. Suddenly I heard singing. It was a beautiful sound i knew what they were sirens. I jumped into the water now it was no longer warm it was very cold. I could see them up front. I ran or tried the water slowed ne down. I got a glimpse of the sirens. They turned into Bailey and my mom. I shook my head. They were getting to me. I gotin front of them. Turned around and saw the pines. I yelled for them to stop. They didnt. I ran to Aunt Mabel and told her I loved her alot. She was the best aunt i said and she  quickly snapped out of it. Uncle Dipper was harder but with the help of Aunt Mabel we got Uncle Dipper out of it. We got him out with a hug and a few words. Bailey was harder she didnt get out with a hug or few words. The sirens were creeping closer. I ran in front of Bailey. As an impulse I got her close and kissed her on the lips. She snapped out of it and kissed back. When she realized the twins saw her she pushed me. I fell in the water and wasnt able to breath. I quickly turned into a wolf and swam to the sirens. I bared my teeth they retreated. But I could feel their hate filled look I had stopped them from munching on 3 people. Everyone was silent on the way to the shack. Bailey didnt do eye contact with me. Aunt Mabel and Uncle Dipper were startled with my actions. They didnt talk they probably were confused. I told them we were close. They didnt respond. I turned to a wolf as they got into the shack. I was going to keep the shack safe. I stayed alert out the corner of my eye I saw movement it was Bill. I howled letting my aunt and uncle know something was wrong. Bill noticed and everything stopped. I was alone with him again. We were in my mindscape again. I turned into a human but Bill waved his hand and I was in chains. I was in big trouble.
Bills pov
I saw everything my son once again saved them. The pines had to be eliminated no matter the cost. I saw how my son kissed the girl reminding me of myself with his mom. But for me it was all a joke but to him it meant alot. I guess I would have to visit him again. I walked out of the bushes whwn he saw me he howled. To alert the pines that were already sleeping. It wouldnt be that easy. I waved my hand we were now in my sons mindscape. I made chains and he was chained. I said " Lets begin!" Theseus knew what that meant and he didnt like it.
Dipper pov
I was surprised Theseus kissed Bailey to save her. Even Bailey kissed back. When she saw us she freaked. On the way back we didnt say a word. We went to sleep when we heard a wolf howl. It was Theseus I looked around and all of us were awake. We ran outside and found an unconsious Theseus. Bill had gotten to him. I got my journal to do the spell to get into his mind as well. When we got there we saw Theseus all bruised and battered. As well as Bill smiling insanely. Bill looked a lot like Theseus except the eyes. Theseus kept teying to escape as each punch hit him. When Bill saw us he told us" Look who came son these fakers that pretend they like you. Mostly that girl named Bailey. You kissed her and what she rejected you." We saw Theseus turn to Bailey with a loathing look. He kept struggling but couldnt break free. I told Bill we did love him. I was now his Uncle and Mabel his aunt. And Bailey didnt reject him. But when Theseus heard that he laughed like Bill. Bill released him and Theseus went toward Bailey. Bailey cowered and I got in front of her. I got thrown out of the way. Theseus came up to her but Mabel told him to stop. Theseus hesitated and a smirk appeared on his face. He changed into a wolf with now blood red eyes. Mabel looked scared. I tried to get up but Bill held me and told me to look. Theseus lunged at Mabel I yelled. Theseus then fell to the floor now human before Mabels feet. He screamed he was in pain. Bill had done something to him. Theseus then yelled at Mabel to move. I told her to do so too. She did it was now Theseus and Bailey alone.
Bailey pov
I was in confusion did Theseus like me. He gave Pacifica a slip when she read it she blushed. I didnt talk to him. But when we got to the lake he told us. He pushed us in. A sweet sound lured me. It was my family I started walking. Nothing was important to me. Until Theseus came ip to me brought me close and kissed me. I snapped out of it
I kissed back but when I saw my cousins I pushed him off. He turned to wolf and made the sirens leave. When we got to the shack I fel asleep and was awoken by a howl. So did my cousins. Di]er chanted a spell and we went into Theseus's mind
I saw him bruised and with a man who must have been bill. Bill said i rejected theseus. Theseus laughed in a creepy way and the chains were gone. He started walking toward me. Dipper got in the way and was thrown. He then was held by Bill. Mabel came and that made theseus stop. He then smirked and lunged towards her in wolf form. He collapsed in pain. Theseus then yelled at Mabel and she moved. I was left alone with Theseus and I ran and kissed him long and hard. Theseus then brought me closer. I saw him sigh. Bill was angry. He hadnt planned this. Theseus pulled away and looked at his father. Dipper taking advantage made Bill fall into a portal out of Theseus's mind. We then were out too. Bill was no where to be found. Theseus wasnt bruised and apologized to Mabel and Dipper. Mabel and Dipper said they acxlcepted it and went to bed. I was left with him and he said if I would be his girlfriend. I said yes and kissed him again nothing could make this moment any better.

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