The Truth and New Comer

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Theseus Pov
I had almost killed that girl I didnt care. I almost had her but her sibling Dipper saved her. He caught me by surprise if not both of them would have gone bye bye. I was being yelled at by that kid called Dipper. He said thats how I repaid him. I didnt own him anything and I said i would rather be dead.But even somethings I couldnt control. I was silenced by my own laugh it was like Bill's. But I couldnt stop now I started talking. Then was tossed outside. But my body hurt I was having problems. I was changing out of the corner of my eye I saw Dipper flipping the pages of a journal. I heard him say werewolf. That dog would pay. But now i was no longer in control of my body. I closed my eyes when I opened them I was a wolf. A pitch black one with red eyes. I would hunt them down. I would but now I must go back home. Home was a word I didnt use anymore. But I felt the need to and I did. Bill wasnt there but a man was. He looked like me just his eyes instead of piercing blue were gold. Just one the left had an eyepatch. He was dressed fancy with a yellow pyramid patterned tail coat. White under shirt, yellow vest black shoes bowtie and hat. I whimpered in my wolf form I was having a hard time. I was astonished was he my father? I couldnt ponder over a logical answer. He gave me one he told me " Hey kid what happened after I let you wake. If your wondering I am your dad. You should thank me dont you think? Say something sorry. I forgot your a wolf. Wolves dont talk. You meet the pine twins didnt you. Arent you happy you have a family still. Better yet the most powerful dad in the world." I was speechless that voice was Bill's he tricked me. But he was right he was my only family left. I got close to him and nudged his hand. He stroked my fur and told me to get ready. He said he needed me to intercept the twins cousin. To bring her over for dealmaking. said I had to do this. He told me that being his son allowed me to get out of my werewolf form when I wanted. As well as back to it. I forgot my revenge on my dad I loved him. My mom was not important to me anymore . Now Im off to get the girl. My father wasnt going to be disappointed.
Bill's pov
My son was very violent a good sign! To bad Pinetree was there to help poor Shooting Star. I wouldnt have minded I would have been grateful. To me Theseus was nothing like me but when he laughed he sounded like me. Not that powerful but like me insane. I made up my mind I would reveal to him that I was his father. I knew he would forgive me. A step closer to making him my right hand. I left after they tossed my son out. They would pay for that he wasnt something they could toss out. But I overheard that the twin's cousin was coming. A perfect oppurtunity. I flashed to the house we stayed at. I turned into my human form. I hadnt used it for about 12 years or maybe more. Soon enough Theseus came around when he saw me he started whining. He was a wolf so he couldnt talk. He stayed still until I told him who I was. He came up to me and I stroked his pitch black fur. I told him I wanted the twins cousin here. He didnt respond but I knew he would do what I wanted. He saw me as his only family member alive. If only he knew I killed his mom. She was getting in the way and i took her out of it. My son would never know why she died. Because only I know what really happened and Im going to keep it that way.
Theseus pov
I set out to get the girl. I knew it was a girl because my dad told me. She would arrive today at 12:00 pm. It was almost time I stayed hidden because Pinetree and Shooting Star were there. They wanted to get there cousin to the Mystery Shack in one piece. I turned human and went out to greet them. I had a smirk on my face and told them " Do you remember me from yesterday?" Both of them turned pale. I could tell they were both scared. Luck for them the bus got here at that time. They turned towards the bus unloading its passangers. The brunette boy turned to find me but I was gone. I hide in the woods in my wolf form. But when I saw the girl my heart stopped beating. She was beautiful . Black hair and hazel colored eyes. I wouldnt keep my promise to my dad I was in love. To me it was love at first sight. I needed to protect her. But she was their cousin. I would have to choose. My mind said to keep with the plan. But my heart said otherwise. I followed my heart. I started following them from behind. My wolf instincts went into action. Something dangerous was ahead. I ran in front of them a while after the werewolf that bit me came out. I heard them scream. I growled I wouldnt back down I had to protect them. The other wolf lungrd at me and clawed my shoulder. I growled off the pain I bit the wolf in the neck. It fought against me and got me again in the chest. This wound was even deeper. My vision started swimming but i held on to its neck. It collapsed and I turned back into my human form. When the twins saw me I saw disbelief for I had saved them. Their cousin saw me and my heart jumped with joy. But even that didnt make the pain go away. I bolted into the woods slowly lossing blood. My dad was there when i got home. He looked at me with disgust I had saved his enemies. Which were mine as well. I fell on the floor the pain was to much. My dad waved his hand and I slowly closed my eyes.
Mabel's pov
We waited for our cousin at the bus stop. It was a better choice we could make sure she got to our home safe. While waiting we heard someone greet us. It was that kid the one who tried to kill me. He had the nerve to ask if we remembered him. How wouldnt I remember him he tried to kill me! Dipper and I had turned pale. The kid had a creepy smirk. A bus was heard we turned around at the people coming out. We saw our cousin Bailey. Dipper. turned around to find the kid he was gone. We started walking to the mystery shack. We passed the woods. We got suprised when a pitch black wolf ran in front of us. Seconds after another wolf came out. The black wolf attacked the other wolf. I realized the wolf not the black would have killed us. The black wolf got clawed in the shoulder but quickly bit the other in the neck. The other wolf was still fighting clawing the black in the chest but deeper. The black wolf bit down with more force the other wolf was dead soon after. The black wolf then turned into a human. I saw with disbelief that the new kid was the black wolf. He turned towards our cousin and then bolted. We ran the rest of the way. I wanted to know why the kid saved us and looked at our cousin with a longing look. Did the kid have a crush on Bailey our cousin?
Dipper's pov
That kid saved us but he hated us. Maybe he likes our cousin that is why he saved us. I saw that longing look he gave Bailey. I needed to keep him away more than ever.
Bailey's pov
I couldnt believe my mom would send me here to this town. But I was glad I could see my cousins. I saw them
talking to someone he had striking blue eyes. My heart fluttered at the thought of him. I got off saw he was gone.
I saw him be a wolf then human. I have to find him and meet him. I will ask Mabel to help me meet up with him.

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