Punishment and an almost deadly mistake.

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Theseus pov
I knew I was almost dead. I couldnt wake up but I wasnt normal so that made my chances of surviving better.My dreams didnt help either...
In Mindscape
It was cold very cold. All I saw was Bill who was no longer yellow but red. I knew I was in big trouble but I didnt care I wasnt an animal who could be locked up. If Bill didnt want to listen well to bad. Bill started laughing and asking me if I knew what he was capable of doing to me in this mood. I shook my head. He then said something that made me shiver" Little Theseus lets see what your mom would say right now. As well as seeing the people who saved you laugh at your weakness. You need to be taught a lesson. Lets see how long it takes to break your rebellious spirit. " I was no longer with Bill but with my mom. She was as pretty as ever. I ran to hug her she stopped me. She said she didnt want to hug a mistake. I asked her why she thought that. She answered " Your father was right you were a mistake. I should have never had you. But even some mistakes cant be avoided." I was heartbroken my mom no longer loved me. I started to cry but soon my mom was replaced with the people who saved me. They were laughing at me for being in this situation. They thought I was weak. I had had enough I needed this to stop. I yelled for Bill to help me. I needed him these people would pay. My mom couldnt pay so I would forget her. I didnt want her to love me. The only person i loved betrayed me. To me there was no more goodness in me. I didnt care.Bill appeared and I vowed I would follow him. Because he was the only person I had left.
Bill's pov
My son was learning that what I say goes. Maybe he will finally giving up. Maybe there was only hate towards everyone. I saw how he shattered with his moms words. He cried after them so I decided to test his mental strength. Maybe he would fall and give up. But he didnt he changed I could tell. He yelled for me to help but I waited. I waited for him to give me what I wanted. I wanted his obedience and he gave it to me. He would be my key to sucess. Theseus would watch all those who mocked him, laughed at him bow down. My son would rule and become my right hand. But first his human half had to go.
Dipper's pov
The new kid was having a rough time me and Mabel stayed up all night to check on him. He would struggle and sweat when he was asleep. Maybe Bill had gotten to him. He was new maybe Bill wanted him on his side. I needed to be sure if he was trustworthy. I took out my Journal which had all the information on the weird happenings here. I checked Bill's page I was scared of Bill he had taken over my body. Which was not a good experience. As I was reading I looked over to Mabel who was to close to the kid. I couldnt process what happened next Mabel was getting chocked by the kid. I ran towards him and knocked him down. I yelled for Grunckle Stan to come. Luckly he did come down. Not fully alert but that would do. I told him to grab the kid and he did. Mabel was okay just had a bruised neck but I shivered at what the kid would have done to Mabel if I wasnt here. I couldnt believe what he did and I yelled to the kid" What were you trying to do! My sister could have died! I hate you thats how you repay us!" The kid gave an insane laugh and said " I didnt want to be saved. Yet you saved me and for that I hate you. I hope that Bill destroys you and your family. If he doesnt I will." He scared me that laugh of his reminded me of Bill. What if this was Bill's .....
No it couldnt be. I gave Grunckle Stan the thumbs up. He pushed the kid outside where the sun was rising. The kid was having a fit. I flipped through the pages in the journal the only thing that could have bit him and causes this was a werewolf. The kid was a werewolf. He would be dangerous I would have to find him later. I didnt want anyone to get hurt because of him. I closed the door and ran to check Mabel again.
Mabel pov
I was bored but we had to make sure the new kid was okay. I got close to him I felt him tense up. And the next thing I know is him choking me. I saw Dipper run and knock him down. As well as hearing him yell for Grunckle Stan. But i couldnt see right my vision was going in and out of focus. Stan grabbed him. I had heard all of Dipper's yelling and also the new kids insane laugh. Like Bill's except more human. Could Bill have a son? If he did it would be hard to believe. The new kid threatened my family I started thinking that we should have left him. But we didnt we would have to pay for our mistake. We would need to be careful. Dipper closed the door and ran to tell me that the new kid was a werewolf. He was bitten by one making him even more dangerous to us and our family. I hoped he stayed away and I didnt like the fact that he knew who Bill was. If he was Bill his threat was not something to take lightly. There was a good thing about today our cousin Bailey would spend the rest of her summer with us. She would arrive tomorrow. I hoped that she would have a safe trip.

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