Forgotten Memories

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Morana POV
The next day. It was the afternoon I was texting my friend Ariana.
My mom asked me if I wanted to go ice skate with her and I said yes.
I got dressed in a blue hoodie and put on the necklace that Jack gave me and brown shorts because the cold never bothered me anyway.
I texted my friend Ariana to see if she wanted to ice skate and she said yes. My mom and Ariana and I started walking to the lake.
When we arrived at the lake I started ice skating and doing cool tricks and the crowd starting clapping. I heard cracking.
When I turned I saw a little girl looking down at the ice cause it was breaking. I grabbed a stick that looked like jacks staff, then I went towards the girl, with the curved side I pulled the girl away from the crack, and she was saved.
But I realized that I was standing on the crack. The crack broke. I fell into the cold water. I heard my mom and Ariana yelling my name. I tried swimming but I didn't know how to. I started remembering precious memories. Questions started flooding in my mind. Was I really going to die? What will happen to my mom? How about Ariana and other friends? Then my eyes started getting heavy. Then My eyes finally closed.

After drowning
I felt like I was being picked out of some type of body of water. I heard a voice.

I bless you with a good guardian life. Your name is now Morana Frost. Mor is your nickname. You're the second winter spirit. Your inner core is fun

I was confused. what happened? Where am I? I started walking.
I noticed I was bared feet. I had brown shorts and a blue hoodie and a staff thing with frost stuff on it and white hair and a necklace that had a snowflake (It's the picture above). Everything that I touched it would have snow or frost on it. The staff would shoot out stuff it was cool.

Morana Frost*Jack Frost Love Story*(complete)Where stories live. Discover now