Pitch is back

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Pitches pov
I saw Jack playing with that new guardin.I wonder if I can force her to be on my side.

Randoms pov
Pitch was planning a plan.While the guardins were talking to Mor.Pitch was finally done with his plan.

Boom every thing went black.

"Jack im s-scared" Mor said while hugging Jack.

"Don't worry I'm here" Jack said.

The lights went back on.There was pitch standing there.The guardins went in there attack positions.While Mor was behind Jack.

Jacks pov
Pitch is back.I will do anything to protect Mor.

Everyone went in their attack positions.

" woah calm down im only here to meet the new gaurdin" Pitch said.

"H-hi" Mor said.

"Aww she is shy whats your name sweety" pitch said holding his hand out for a handshake.

"My name is Morana but Mor for short" Mor walked to pitch to shake his hand.

"Mor get away from him this might be one of his evil plans" I said while pointing my staff at pitch.

Mor ignored me.She shaked his hand.Then she disappeared with pitch.Every guardin was just standing there thinking about what just happened.

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