On the other side

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Morana pov
I went to shake hands with this guy named Pitch.Then the next thing I know I look different (in the picture above) and at pitches place.

"W-what do you w-want from m-me" I said.

"I want you to help me get Jack's staff or else your guardin friends will get hurt" pitch said.

"Please d-don't hurt t-them" I said.

"Then be on my side and help me get his staff" pitch said.

"Oky I w-will do anything to p-protect them" I said.

"That was easy now let's go to Norths and show them the new you,But first let's turn that shyness to confidence" Pitch said.

After I did something to Moranas shyness we went to Norths place.

Jacks pov
I lost her.Who knows what pitch is doing to her.The lights when off again and on.There was Pitch with a girl.

"Hello again" pitch said.

"Where's Mor Pitch what did you do to her" I said.

"Im right here Jack I am on the other side now." Mor said.

She looked different that can't be her.

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