Meeting the Others

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Morana POV
I'm scared.I'm not ready I'm just not ready. I'm shy I don't like talking to people.

Jacks pov
We finally arrived at Norths place. I'm excited for Morana I mean Mor to meet the others.

"I'm back looking who I brought with me," I said.

"Where is she, "Tooth said.

"Ya, where is she" bunnymund said.

I looked to the side Mor wasn't there. I looked behind my back and there was Mor, So I moved to the side so everyone can see her.

"H-hi," Mor said shuttering.

"Awwww she's shy," Toothina said.

"Let me so those teeth ooooo those teeth are nice and white as snow" tooth said.

Why is Mor acting like this I'm going to ask north.

"Okay I'm just going to go talk north about something," I said.

"W-Wait I want to come, "Mor said.

She hugged me. I could tell she was shaking in fear.

"No you can't go, I'm sorry Mor, "I said.

"P-please," Mor said with puppy dog eyes.

"Stay with the other guardians they're nice," I said.

"No I d-don't want t-to," Mor said.

"Come on ummm stay with the fuzzy and soft Easter kangaroo," I said.

"He means fuzzy and soft Easter bunny, "bunnymund said while glaring at Jack.

"F-fuzzy and s-soft," Mor said while walking to Bunnymund.

"Oo oo oo s-so soft a-and fuzzy, "Mor said while hugging bunnymund.

"Aww she's cute," Bunnymund said while patting Moranas head.

Toothina and sandman nodded in agreement.

"North I need to talk to you," I said.

"Okay," North said.

I edited this

Ms.Introvert out✌🏻

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