First kiss

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Moranas pov
"Of course I will forgive you,you were just trying to protect us" Jack said.

I hugged Jack and he hugged me back.Then we just were staring into each others eyes.Then Jack and I leaned closer until our lips touched.It felt magical.Then there was clapping.

"Awww how cute" Pitch said.

"Leave us alone Pitch" Jack said.

"Here's your staff I don't need it"Pitch said.

The staff was broken into two halfs I felt bad.Then pitch disappeared.

"No worrys I can fix that" Jack said.

With one touch he fixed it.

"Miss Morana will you be so loving and kind and be my girl" Jack said.

"Y-Yes"Mor said blushing while trying to cover her face.

Morana Frost*Jack Frost Love Story*(complete)Where stories live. Discover now