Chapter 3: Arms around her

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'Why does this have to happen' Syaoran asked himself confusedly, uncertain on what he was suppose to feel right now. Should he feel frustrated? Angry? Or even happy? Shifting to his right side of the bed, his amber eyes fell unexpectedly on the photo frame of him and Meilin on the nightstand. It was taken a few months ago when they were attending a prestigious party, and there, there was only him and his current fiancé auburn-haired girl at the picture. Just them.

Calming himself, Syaoran tried to pretend that nothing happened today; that everything went normally like his ordinary days...

...but then, no matter how hard he tried to block this certain afternoon memory, everything still started coming through him—wrong thoughts and emotions. He perfectly knew that he shouldn't be disturbed any longer. He moved on, hasn't he? He believed this to be as the truth since after all these years after Sakura had left him; he had given Meilin his all.

And none of it was a game.

Syaoran sat up and opened the lampshade next to the picture on the nightstand. He didn't know exactly what to do at the moment for he couldn't stop himself from thinking about the girl he saw just hours ago.

Bending down, he let his elbows rest on his thighs. His right hand travelled to his unruly hair, making it messier that the usual. Then he buried his face on his hands, wanting badly to shout his thoughts. 'Damn it, Syaoran. 'He cursed. 'Why are you turning back to the guy you are five years ago? To the guy who don't have a power over his feelings?'

Pausing for a while, his mind drifted on the incident a few hours ago. Some pictures of it even flashed on his eyes like he was again on that moment. 'But those emerald eyes... That fleck, those spark... It's the same which Kinomoto Sakura would only have.'



"Do I know you?" the girl beside him asked with her innocent and lovely voice. She decided to repeat the question for the guysimply was ina dazed the moment her big emerald eyes locked to his intense amber orbs.

Syaoran didn't move. He was still watching her,astonished. It had been a while before he realized that she was talking to him. "Huh?" he muttered like a little child.

The girlgiggled at his reaction. When she saw him turned more confused, she stopped."I'm sorry. It's just that I already repeated the question and you seemed not to hear me."She paused, staring at him. "Will you listen to me now?"

Without second thoughts, he nodded.

"Do I know you?" For the third time, she inquired. There was a small smile playing in her lips while she was patiently waiting for his answer.

Clearing his voice, Syaoran answered. "Umm... I guess not. I just arrived yesterday."

"Oh," the girl said, almost whispering. Her eyes suddenly saddened, making the guy beside her somehowguilty."You are quite familiar. I thought I have seen you somewhere."

"Maybe you have," Syaoran told her and remembered his last vacation on England. "Five years ago I, together with some other friends, spent a summer vacation here."

She shook his head. "I'm not sure about that. I can only remember what happened five years ago, but it was already in the latter part of fall."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I have this amnesia thing. I don't know how it happened but I don't dare to ask the others." She explained to him. "After all, I'm happy with my simple life."

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