Dusted Countertops

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"Ian here. It's 4:30 am. And as if that thing wasn't enough, now I have a chipmunk, in glasses, in my window."

Ian shifted around under his covers. "He says his name is Sanyotti. Whatever a Sanyotti is. And it keeps saying my name. I would go deal with it, but... I really just want to sleep."

He shifted under he covers again, but before the recording stopped, a tiny, muffled voice was caught. "Ian! Hey! Do you know what's happening? The foresters are shifting! They haven't done that sinc-"


"Someone has been in my room. The last two days of recordings are gone, along with two of my right shoes. The loss of the recordings are bad enough but just two right shoes?" He sighed dramatically. "Who does that? And just why? And how? I have an alarm on my door. Granted it's just a string and a bell, but I would of heard anyone come in. There are a lot of windows in my room, but none of them actually open."

Ian moved to the window, tapping the glass with his forefinger. "It's just bizarre. W- one moment, what is that? It looks like a... Doll? But it's moving around like a kid I-"

A few long moments passed. "I'm...not sure if the recording is picking this up, probably not, but it wants me to go outside."

Ian put the recorder case's leather strap over his shoulder. "Oh man. You know that saying about curiosity killed the cat? Let's just hope satisfaction brings it backs. I'll keep you updated, hopefully."


"It's about 7:40pm. I... I haven't gone home yet. I don't think I can easily go to dad with any of this. He's been, well, let's just say I haven't slept since in a couple days. After that kid yesterday nothing has really happens, but it's making me frustrated that I can't talk to anyone else about this. Ever since mom left I..." Ian sighed loudly.

"I can't do this by myself. I'm going to see Haider. He's been here in town longer than anyone else; he's also nice to me. Hopefully he doesn't think I'm insane." His hand touched a door handle, but he paused. "It just occurred to me. That thing to other day, the creature with a dog, at first looked like a bug. And if all bugs can do that means they're all listening. And that means very person has thousands of ears listening to them at a time. Not a comforting thought."

Ian opened the door and a bell jingled. An AC hummed loudly in the background as Ian sat down with a sigh. "Looks like Haider's in back. Or gone. Or on the run. His food experiments did make Ruth Gregson sick last week."

"I heard that!" Yelled a muffled voice. It was a warm and cheerful voice with just the slightest tremor of age. "And I'll have you know that's how we found out she was allergic to peanuts thank you."

"Haider for town hero then." Ian retorted sarcastically.

"You're a cruel boy, Ian." Haider laughed back, walking up. He stood behind the counter in front of Ian. "Look at you, now kid. Ya look half dead. Heh, kinda regret dusting up the counter already, you've gone and gotten them all dirtied up again."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Ian put his face in his hands. "Oh, Haider, I don't know where to start..."

"Serious talk, huh? Want your usual drink?" Ian nodded and Haider moved to the back, quickly mixing a drink together. "French vanilla and strawberries, here ya go."


"Now, tell me Ian, how's everything at home?"

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