The Final Reel

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Ian walked in silence, barely nudging the tin can on the street, hardly noticing the voices around him. Soon, he neared Haider's Store. Haider himself was outside, talking in some strange language. "Rin em so med lamee tee so. Lay teeso someesotee so. Ran meeteela latee so teemeela ray latee. Ray latee tee teelatee so so so la soso dohsotee..."

"I guess not all thing survive by staying invisible." Ian said, walking up and sitting in the steps.

"No," Haider said slowly. "No, not everything does. Sometimes even the Niari flower dies."

"What were you just saying?"

"An old, old prayer of the forest. The chimes taught it to me a long time ago. I say it whenever something I care for dies."

"You cared for the flower?"

"I care for everything I touch, Ian. Sparrows, dogs, people... you, and yes, the flower." Haider sat down next to Ian carefully. " Ian, I-"

"Don't bother," Ian sharply cut him off. "Don't bother trying to tell me everything's alright, don't try to console me. I heard everything Friday."

"... So that was you."

Ian sighed loudly. "I tried to tell everyone about all this, about the Foraoise. I took it to school... I guess I should have gone to the police. But, I just figured they'd laugh at me-" Tears choked his voice. "But I suppose that was unavoidable."

Haider, understanding, breathed sadly. "Oh, Ian..."

"They thought it was a prank, a joke. They thought I was a joke."

"Listen, Ian, I never meant t-"

"No. Don't do that. It's a bit too late for that."

The two sat in silence, watching the people passing. "Look at these people," Ian grumbled. "They have no idea that an entire world full of adventure is literally right behind them. They don't even bother to notice. It makes me what to puke." Ian stood. "But I know what's out there, don't I? Thanks to you... I know. But now, now I'm supposed to forget it all and go back to... being invisible, right? How am I supposed to do that, Haider? Why would I ever want to do that?"

As Ian walked away, the rhythmic clicking of a staff filled the air. Haider looked past Ian to a figure in a cloak. Deere smiled at him darkly. A low, defeated growl came from Haider as he realized what he had done.


"This is Ian Thomas Mornn. And this is my final recording."

"I don't care what anyone says. I'm going to the Foraoise. There's nothing here for me anymore..."

"Nothing at all."

"Maybe there never was."

"Dad's been drinking again and I... can't even remember what mom looks like anymore."

"Alderwilt- no, Foraoise is the only place that sees me."

"If Haider was here he'd probably have something brilliant to say about this but..."


***flip flip flip***

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