Into the Woods

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Rowan waited impatiently by the treehouse. They were late. They had all been captured or killed or turned into frogs or something and now she was just a sitting duck, waiting out in the cold morning. Well, Anne had mentioned that she might be late, though why Anne would be late at four in the morning was beyond her. But the other two? Rowan knew that she needed to stay calm, but still.

"This can't be a good sign," she whispered.

"Doesn't mean it's a bad one either there, ugly."

Rowan whirled around at the voice. There, sitting on the stone fence was Emerald Ash with the Rottweiler at his feet. The dog yipped happily when Rowan looked at it, but a stern look from Emerald Ash quickly made it silent. "You should keep your chin up," he smirked. "Despite the fact you were the one who came up with it, your plan, as far as I can tell, is quite daring and bold. I'm surprised."

"...Why are you here?" Rowan asked, slowly moving her legs to run if the need arose. "And how do you know my plan?"

"Isn't that a bit obvious, ugly? I came to talk to you. I even sent a little distraction to keep ol' Haider and Jack busy just so I could. As for the plan, well, at this point even I can tell you're tired of taking hits."

Rowan knew she should be nervous, but only two things were coming to mind. One: so even Emerald Ash didn't know they didn't have the key, which meant that Dieserair also had no clue. But two: "Why do you call Haider and Jack by their names but me ugly?" Rowan cocked her head to one side. "That's a bit rude."

Emerald Ash paused, slightly surprised. He laughed through his nose. "I call you what I first thought of you. Though I must confess this new-found spunk is... Tantalizing in a way." Lazily, he stood up. "But... I'm here to make you an offer."

"What kind of offer?"

He swayed forward with forced casualty. "My boss, you see, is very powerful. Much better than the last one, I might add. All they did was lurk around and gather nickels and tell secrets but this?" He chuckled. "This is something. And my boss is ready to move. And all he needs is that silly little Crow's Key. So, I'm offering you a chance to survive this whole ordeal. It's not gonna be pretty, even you must know that, ugly. All you have to do is come with me, answer some questions, just help us out a bit, and I promise that me and the Shifters under me will keep you safe. The dogs seem to have taken a liking to you."

"Why me?" Rowan took a small pace back. Inwardly, she was extremely pleased the dogs liked her.

"Why you?" Emerald Ash laughed in surprise. "Because you're the smartest out of this bunch. Wiser than Haider, better then Jack, more stable than fire-head... Heck, you're even smarter than Dieserair." He gestured to the forest behind him. "Ol' Dieserair is all fueled up on rage, can't even see what's right in front of him. Or, I guess he sees too much of what's not in front of him. Dieserair is about ready to burn himself out. And when he does, we'll need someone like you, someone stable, to pick up the power slack. You won't have to do anything except come with me."

Suddenly realizing what he meant, Rowan grew defensive. He wanted her to go to the Shadows with him. Anger welled up in her throat, but she refused to let it out. Her getting riled up would do no good for anyone. So instead, she took a deep breath, steadying her voice. "And if I say no?"

Emerald Ash stood stock still for a moment, his face unreadable in the dark. "That wouldn't be smart," he said in a dangerous tone. Before Rowan could move, he was mere inches away from her. His yellow eyes snarled at her and she felt his extremely hot breath on her face. Now that he was closer, Rowan could make out the veiny pattern on his dark skin. And the terrifying look on his face. "Willing or not, once they start whispering to you, you can't ever live a normal life again." He leaned in close. "But maybe... Maybe I'll just take you. It'll be fun to watch Haider and Jack when they realize they lost another." He reached for Rowan's shoulder.

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