Rowan Irvine

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"Wow..." Anne breathed.

The two girls stepped out of the door only to find themselves back where it all began: the Irvine's backyard. Rowan swiveled around, looking at the familiar scene. She knew trying to understand what just happened would be impossible, yet she couldn't help but try. Just an instant ago they were in a deep, ancient forest and now... A feeling swelled up in her as she realized she had fully expected to never see this place again. "That's just bizarre."

Jack sighed contently. "You'll get used to it soon enough. The Crow's Key is a powerful tool. It would benefit you to practice with it. Both of you. The two of you together will be more powerful and accurate.

Anne nodded, spinning the bracelet around her wrist. "Hey, Ro? What did you even do to get us here?"

Rowan looked at the mark on her arm, still swirling with power. Like the crow was flying. "I don't know. I just thought "take me home" and we wound up here."

"Heh! Really?"

"Yeah..? What's so funny?"

"You called this home."

Rowan paused. But instead of defiance, a sense of acceptance came instead. "Yeah," she looked around at the scenery and at her friends around her. "Yeah, I guess I did."

Jack walked up in between the girls. "I'm glad you both found a home. Haider would have wanted that. He told me to make sure this burden was shoulder by friends."

Both girls nodded firmly. "So," Rowan asked. "What happens now?"

"Yeah," Anne agreed. "What could possibly come after that?"

"You go home." Jack said bluntly. "You apologize to your parents. You tell them what truths you want. Then you finish your summer homework and enjoy the sun."

"...That's it?" Anne asked.

Jack nodded. "This is what you fought to protect, right? Your family?"

"Oh crap my family!!" Anne suddenly jumped upright. "They're going to be so mad! Well, they'll be glad I'm alright but that will only last a few seconds. Oh, I have no idea what I'm going to tell them..."

"Best go let them know something at least," Rowan grinned.

"Right!" Anne turned to move away. But she paused in her step. Then, making up her mind, she whirled around and gave Rowan a small kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for everything... Goodbye!" And she was gone.

Rowan stood, hand on her cheek. She could feel herself blushing. Jack looked back and forth between them. "I think she'll be alright." He commented.

"How can I go back home now..?" She breathed.

"You must. That's the one thing Haider never took into account, that Ian wouldn't be able to."

A sudden pang of sadness shot through Rowan, and she kneeled to be at Jack's eye level. "Jack, I'm so sorry about Haider. If I could ha-"

Jack raised his hand, stopping her. "Don't. He wouldn't want you to blame yourself. Besides..." He looked back over his shoulder. "I don't think he was planning on coming back."

"So what happens next? Now that the shadows are where they belong?"

"Not all of them are," Jack said. "But things are as they should be, fine, for now. But don't worry about them." He grabbed Rowan's hand lovingly. "I'll be in touch, but not now. Go enjoy what you worked so hard to protect. But, do consider covering up that mark. Your parents may not appreciate the scar of you efforts. The crows, all the birds, have blessed you. Rowan, you're the strongest of us all. You've been given incredible power, but not enough to stop a mother's anger.

Rowan stood, grinning. "At least those years of theater makeup won't go to waste now, will they? Thank you Jack." Jack nodded and Rowan walked back toward the... No, toward her house. To her worried parents and to hours of explanations and crying. And then, who knows? She'd go swimming, to camp, do extra work, or just do nothing. After literally just saving the world, finding a secret ancient civilization, learning a history that shouldn't exist, coming inches away from death, loosing someone she considered a friend and finding a home she would be alright living in, she would just do nothing with her summer.

She lost something to protect this. A lot of things, actually. Now that she noticed the creatures of Foraoise and the shadows, no doubt they would notice her. Were still noticing her. But, as she touched her cheek, she smiled. She found something even better. An entire world that would accept her for who she was. Who trusted her. Childish, yet wiser now than anyone could imagine. Maybe more than anyone wanted to imagine possible.




"You lied to them."

Jack didn't even look as Emerald Ash appeared on the stone fence behind him. Jack's voice was dark. "I had to. After everything they've been through, they deserve to believe they can live a... normal life."

"Is that really wise? Letting them go? They're still childish, you know."

"Anne will be alright. She has enough self-confidence and spirit for the all of us. But Rowan? She's something different. Something wiser... She might be the most powerful of them all."

"I genuinely hope you are right. Fire-head and ugl-" he stopped, remembering. "Ah,  yes, the crows disagreed with me calling her ugly. They wanted be calling her Vine. But... fire-head and ugly will have to be ready."

"They will be."

"Just so we're on even terms: now that Dieserair is gone, all the forces have begun vying for power. Most of them on her." 

"You touch her, either of them for that matter, and I won't hesitate in coming after you full force." Jack looked over his shoulder darkly. "Then again, now that they've been chosen, they have the power to stop it themselves."

"At least you hope. None of the keys have ever split their power like this."

"I know."

"Watch your back, Jack. It's a new game now, and I, at least, do intend on surviving it. Shadows will be back stronger and sooner than you'd like. You have two champions to train now, and only one chance to get it right."

Records of the Forest (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now