Chapter one-A caring sister and a big misunderstanding

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Im in my room Reading as i hear miku shouting at my brother.As i turn the page,i hear alot of crying,proberly len.Honestly! Every single day of every damn week,i always just hear shouting.Miku gets mad alot,especially when my brother len is involved! I mean it's anoyinng!

I walk downstairs to see whats going on.As my foodsteps reach them fighting,they stop.They always know shouldn't fight infront of me and keep quiet.

As i walk into the living room,i see miku with a leek in her hand and len on the floor.I guess he got scared and tried to run but she hith him with a leek and he fell! I gotta say that it's a mean thing to do but he proberly desevered it,whatever he did.

I go up to miku and ask what is going on.She sits on the couch and points at len who is still on the floor crying.

"You see i was making dinner,and then he walked over to me.He said he was hungry and i gave him a banana.When he got it though,he threw it.I got mad since it knocked over a jar and smashed a couple cups.I went to scold him and then i shouted.He got scared and ran into the living room and i slapped him with the leek.He then fell on the floor and screamed."

"I wonder...why did len do that?"

"I don't know,Anyway i have to continue the dinner,len gets none!"

"That's harsh but i guess it's his punishment"

"I understand miku"


Miku replied with a smile as she got up and walked to the kitchen.I kinda feel bad for len now.I looked down at len who was still crying and on the floor.


I looked up,there was rin.I wish that miku didn't make it sound like i was the one who did it! I mean it was accidental! I ment to put it back on the side since i was just trying to talk to her but my hand slipped before i could.Before it fell out if my hands,i threw it onto the side so it wouldn't land on the floor.It didn't have the same effect on miku who just raged at me.That scared me so i ran.

Im not brave and very shy so my reaction wasn't a good one.I hope rin understands this was a misunderstanding! I would never do somthing like that!

Rin lookes down at me.I can tell she is choosing to ethier forgive me or hate me.Suddenly she gets onto the floor and lifts up my head from the very short carpet we have.I can see she has a worried smile on her face.It's cute.


I feel like this is somthing len wouldnt do though! I mean why would he? He is gentle,kind and shy so i doubt it.I guess ill try and ask him anyway.Plus i feel kinda bad.

I lifted his face so i could see him and smiled.A look of sadness covered len's face as i tried to speak.

"Dont worry len"

I wispered that into his ear as i got closer.I wanted to show him that i forgave him and wasn't going to hurt him.He looked at me with his clear,light blue electronic eyes and smiled a bit.I picked him up and put him on the couch.He stopped crying and stared at me as i sat next to him while kneeling on the floor.It was cute


As she got closer,i felt nevous and happy at the same time.She slowely picked me up and layed me down on the couch.I stopoed crying and stared at her as she continued to smile.She sat right next to me,kneeling on the floor.It showed that she cared.It was nice when rin was like this.She was a caring sister to me and this didn't happen often so it's nice to enjoy.

I started to explain what really happened and she just listened and nodded,her asking questions and me answering them.After we had finishes talking about what happened,miku called rin for dinner.I was enjoying this and because this didn't happen often,i wanted it to last longer.I sat up on the couch as rin stood up.I was going to go get a book from the bookshelf and read while she ate but as soon as i got up,rin pushed me back down.I was confused as rin stopped me down from moving and replied with

"Sorry miku but im not hungry anymore!"

I could hear miku getting ready to shout again,this time at rin.As soon as miku walked in to the living room,rin put her hands over my ears and sat on the couch with me.She knew i hated the loudness of miku's shouting and so protected me from crying again.She was nice and kind like that.

As soon as miku stopped shouting and went back into the kitchen,rin grabbed my hand and took me to her bedroom.She let me in and locked the door.As she did that she pointed to her bed.She obviously wanted me to sleep with her since miku would hate it.She wanted to get revenge on miku's constant shouting by doing the one thing she says no to out of everything. That is us sleeping together.I climbed into the bed on one side next to her and smiled as we turned of the light.We both slept peacefully dispite miku outside the door,shouting.Rin had a glass window on her door,miku could see though it.It was a nice but weird night spent with my adorable sister.

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