Chapter nine-Satisfied or not?

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"Then why are you here?"

"Listen,OK,you have been quite annoying for some time now! You never say hi,you walk past me,and then when I go up to say hi today,you completely ignored me and went with the girls!"

"You know that you say hi the quietest out of everyone right? How was I suppost to hear you tiny voice out of all the fangirls?"

"Idiot......You sure have changed....."

"Yea and so have you bitch! I'm going to see someone now,I'm LATE because of you now!"

"Hey! Wai-"


Mabye I should of told her to get out of there?


No she will come out soon

As I walk down the stairs,I see a quite anoyyed long-hired girl.She is signing a paper.

"Oh hiya len-kun! You suck at being on time!"

"Listen,I know I shouldn't keep you waiting but the fangirls wouldn't leave me alone,sorry"

"Sure, whatever,anyway explain!"

We walked past the park and the ponds across to neru's house.Neru lives with her friend Miku and yuno,my old friends only.I may have dated a lot of girls but I didn't date these two.

I have known them ever since neru found me,she told me she saw me at school.We started chatting and then she asked me out.We have been dating for a while now,although it means nothing since I have gotten back with all my old girlfriends too.

"Miku told me that Miki was a little sick, is that true?"

"Yes,she is resting in her room and has taken the day off,poor girl"

"Yea oh where is yuno?"

"Len,yuno is not important right now, that's all that I will say"


We went upstairs into neru's bedroom to explain.I needed to explain rin's anger and why she is here.I also need to explain why I was late.

Neru has a bright yellow bedcover and blue striped curtains.She has decorated her walls with pictures and drawings of her future.I have always liked the creativity of her talent.

"So Len,why was Rin here?"

"At the cafeteria? Oh yea well...we had a fall out when we were younger and ever since then,we have separated.I never said hello,never talked to her,ignored her too.She did the same.Now she has changed and come to see that I have too"

"Really? That's harsh,I always wondered why you got back with your old girlfriends again after a while"

"I have to get kaito back as my friend or else I will lose Rin,that's why I keep trying!"

"Determination and kindness,also stupidity"

"Hey! I'm trying!"

"Anyway,you promised to satisfiy me so..."


I get closer to neru and lean closer.She is blushing,it turns me on.She smiles and undoes my top.I lean against her body as she struggles to take of her skirt.She unties my collar and hers.Neru laughed a bit as I push her down.I push on her shoulders a bit as she Puts her legs on mine.I grab her boob and squeeze gently.Then I squeeze harder,gently rubbing it.I remove her bra and start to repeat.A gentle moan fills the room as she roughly grabs my thing.


(I'm aware that this is crap writing of a sex scene but enjoy anyway)

I silently enjoy ever bit of it as I move on to the next part.I undo my school trousers and reveal my erection.(I still suck at this)
She stares at it before removing her panties.They are striped white and yellow again! I like those panties the best.I take a while to slip of my boxers but to my surprise she is waiting patiently.She is never patient.

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