Chapter seven-Rin ditches len

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"Len want to come over here and play on the swings?"

"Hehe yea let's swing!"

"Wheeee! This is great!"

"Yea it is"

"Something wrong?"

"Just a little troubled"

"Like what?"

".......Nothing! Anyway I have to go soon! Sorry!"

"Don't sound so sad and panicked! You live close so I can always see you!"

"But you need to see gumi today!"

"I don't care,I will rearrange it to next Tuesday so that I can see you until you move!"

"I won't move for a while though!"

"Don't care,your my best friend,I'm not letting you slip away from me!"

"Ah?.....hmmm OK!"


"Hehe bye,bye then Len!"



Kaito,gumi,luka....I'm sorry....

"Len! Downstairs now!"

Rin was at my doorway,shouting at me.It wasn't the best way to be woken up at night.She grabbed my hand.

"But it's nightime!"

"I know!"


"Just come now!"

She pulled me out of bed and downstairs. Our house had 3 floors so we went down two sets of stairs! It was exhausting to run all of that.

"Whaaaa! Your too rough with my hand!"

"Would you rather me be gentle?"

"Haha funny,now let go!"


I let her walk me up and down stairs for the last five minuets.It was getting annoying!

"Are you going the right way?"

"Obviously! Who doesn't know how to go to the living room!"


"Shut you damn mouth!"

"Your going in circles!"

"I said be quiet Len!"


"Why are you pulling so hard?"

"Because I'm angry!"


She stopped as we finally arrived in the living room and across the table were many photos,very bad photos that rin found out about.I thought I hid them!



I look over at the photo's

"So what's wrong with them? Am I not allowed to keep pictures of my old girlfriends?"

"First of,who are these two?! I mean one girl,fine,two girls, okay,three girls,a little too much and four girls is way too much!"

"Oh I see"

"Listen,I'm not saying that what you did made me angry,It actually made me a bit happy but.....don't do that again OK? Learn from your mistakes!"

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