Chapter Eight-Our new life

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A year.......two years......three years......four matter how many years pass,it feels Like forever......forever is a neverwnding time that no-one can specify.....nethier can I...

"Len-kun? Why are you spacing out?"

"Huh? Oh sorry,I was just thinking a bit!"

"Really now? About what?"

"It's nothing..."

"OK......Len-kun? Can I ask you something?"

"Yea? What?"

"Why are you trying so hard to befriend the meanest boy in our class? I mean,you keep getting in trouble!"

"I know okay! I'm trying because this is my last chance!"

"Last chance? You never told me that you have tried before now len-kun!"

"I get it,you are properly jealous because of rin right?"

"Yessy! I like rin sure,but she gets on my nerves!"

"I don't think you should complain since she is your sister as well!"

"Geez! Are you going to fight me again Len-kun? What does kaito have that I don't?"

"Nothing,your a perfect little star in progress~ ...but I need to make him my friend for another reason!"

"Aww thanks Len,even if you are a bit crap sometimes,I can deal with it when you compliment me! Hehe!"

"Are you stupid or just plain cute? Because you keep trying so hard but for what?"

"I will knock the heck of kaito and it will make you not able to befriend him ever again! I just don't get it!"

"It's a personal matter, be greatfull that you got to see me in a private spot!"

"I'm very,those fan's won't leave you alone huh?"

"You said it! They follow me everywhere,I'm getting anoyyed!"

"But you like it riiiiight? I mean,you like the boobs and the butts and the attention!

" Thanks for that neru! You reeeeeaally helped my confidence boost...."

"No regrets,anyway good luck today!"

"Thanks ne-ru~"

"Ahhh! I love t,I'm satisfied!"

"Want to be mooore satisfied?"

"Later Len-len!"

"Ok, look forward to it,I'll try harder"

"Hope so,I'll be waiting by the cherry trees~"

"Nice and sexy right?"

"You noticed! Haha"

And with that,the day started.My older sister neru always sees me before school specially.She is kind sometimes and really sexy but I'd I don't give her what she wants,she gets mad.A natural reaction from her ever since we were kids.Rin would always try and spend time with me but neru would take it instead.To be honest,I like neru a lot therfore I give her what she wants.She is my girlfriend after all.Every girl is.

My songs had caught attention for years until now,where every girl in the whole school is wanting a copy and smtjing else.If I don't find something to satisfy me then I get mad.

I have the same personality as neru.Me and neru are twins after all.A while ago,I moved schools.I live with Miku still and she is still being mean.It's been years since I have seen rin and the other girls,especially luka.I gave up trying to get rin back and tried to fulfill her promise.If I complete her promise then maybe she will come back! I have tried day and night and I still have no clue how to befriend him.

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