Chapter two-A day at school

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We woke up the next morning as miku kept saying how it's bad to sleep together and how it affects us.We ignored her.



Last week miku enrolled us into a signing school since we are vocaloids.Today is our first day! I'm excited as we hold hands as we walk down the street.It's a good time for me and rin to learn and become a better singer.


We arrived at the front reception,a nice,quiet place,and received our diary.It tells us about our lessons and what times they are at.There is also a bit at the back to write in.

As I turn the page,I scan though all the lessons until our first lesson.It says....

Homeroom-class E3-9:00

Just as the bell rang,I heard a "eek!".I looked down and saw a girl with long,light pink hair.She was on the floor with her hands on her ears.Looks like she doesn't loud noise!

As I stare at her as she blushes in embarrassment,Len walks over and gives her a hand up.He has always been the friendly,shy one so I guess he is trying to make a friend that acts like him.It makes sense.She gets off the floor and starts wiping off her uniform.Then putting her hands beind her back,she lifts her hand out to me.

"Hi I'm luka,pleased to meet you!"

She gives us a inoccent but happy smile that welcomes us.She seems nice so maybe she won't be another bad friend.


I look at the girl on the floor,struggling to get up and blushing.She must be embarrassed from being scared of the bell.To be honest,It was very loud so it makes sense.I put my hand out to her and smiled.She might become a good friend to me.She took my hand and stood up.She started wiping off her uniform.Then she put her hands behind her back and smiled,giving rin a hand.

"Hi I'm Luka,pleased to meet you!"

She greeted rin with a smile and pointed to her book.She pointed at the top line and winks.

"You must be new right? I'll show you to your class!"

On the outside she looked like a shy and innocent girl but something about her is uneasy.She is like......not normal? Maybe I'm just nervous for making my first friend since junior school.

Vocaloids start junior school at the age of 8 and Finish 2 years later.When they graduate from juniors at the age of 11,they take a break until they start secondary school.Vocaloids start secondary school at the age of 14 and stay until they hit 19 years.I am not kidding! Then we graduate and go into the studio to work as a job.It's cool because we then skip collage and university! But we spend a extra year in secondary school,even so,we are lucky! Some of the failed students who don't pass junior school,stay there for a extra 2 years! So they work while we slack off on break! It's a little unfair but they desevere it.
As we are walking,rin talks to luka.It's a nice sight to see and I'm glad she is social now!

We step though the door but when we do,we see someone we didn't we didn't want to!

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