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I planned to stay at Kai's house. I didn't want to go back into that stupid empty apartment. It would just haunt me down, white walls mocking me, telling me I could've saved my sister if I was more fast. Strong. Like my sister.

"So sorry for you, Cactus." Orion's smirk was gone, replaced with a saddened frown. Lauren came by, and she was crying with me. "It's not like she's actually gone, like dead? Maybe she's going to a different bubble." I suggested. "Yeah, but either way, she's stuck without us. So she's pretty much dead."

Orion was done with the crying, reading an old newspaper. "Why don't we just climb into a food box or something when they come down next time? Or we can ambush them and climb out." He didn't lift his eyes from the newspaper. "I mean, it's worth a try. We're still going to die somehow in this bubble."

"No." Lauren crossed her arms "that's a stupid idea."

"Let's do it. Doesn't hurt." I said.

I looked back at Orion's eyes. And gasped. He had the worst circles, and was thin as a stick. "Have you've even been eating Orion!?"

"These people have more tricks than you guys realize. Like that the food just sets your mind to this state that this is your home forever. Doesn't work too good, but I had to starve a bit to figure out a solution to get out of here." Orion dropped his newspaper, and stepped in front of us. "I'm guessing Lauren's been eating lots." He grinned, but Lauren just shook her head.

"We have to starve a bit. We can have water though."

And the plan began to start. Kai and Lauren would take down the Reapers. Me and Orion would take the ropes, helping Kai and Lauren, to get out of this stupid dome. Then we slide down, and run into the forest. We collected our stuff, eager to get out. We only ate once a day. Us, just four teenagers trying to find our identities from the fog of old memories.

The day arrived. We expected the Reapers to come. The same routine, but instead, four teenagers were going to ambush them. Me and Orion sat in a tree, opposite from the bush Kai and Lauren were hiding. I'll I've them some signal, and they would punch them, while Orion gets me to the rope. It pulls up automatically, so it's easier on our part. After, we get Kai and Lauren, then slide off the dome. Then run, run, and run.

The Two Reapers brought two crates of food, that Kai and Lauren will steal for extras. The breeze sent a chill down my spine. I saw Lauren's blue eyes, waiting for the signal. And I saw the opening chance. Their backs were turned. I waved my hand, then threw a stick near the taller Reapers feet.

"Cactus, cmon!" I jumped out of the tree, my legs going up and down. Then I tripped. "I'm okay! Orion get the rope!" I heard the grunting of one of the Reapers. Or Kai. Standing back up, I ran to the crate. Taking out my pocket knife, I stabbed the clear tape that held it together. I grabbed some silver packets and headed off. Though these packets can limit your mind, we can easily take some water and drain some on our food. Kai found that out. He possibly could be some kind of doctor if he wasn't in this bubble.

We grabbed the thick rope. Kai grabbed on, leaving the Reapers. Lauren was assisted on it. And it was going up. We were hanging on for our lives. "I can't hold.... -it anymore." Lauren whimpered. She was slowly slipping off. We were half way there. we had to make it. "It's okay, Lauren were almost there."

Orion glanced back, and shuddered. I closed my eyes. Kai drew in a breath. And we were on top of the city, on top of this stupid dome.


We climbed out of the transparent hole, almost slipping off. Lauren rubbed her eyes. Green was what layed beyond us. Orion grunted, "cmon, before they send-"

We heard shooting, and a blast. Orion took my hand, and shielded my ears. Like that'll help me getting killed. I glanced at Kai and Lauren, but they were already  sliding on the opposite side, I had to run over to them! "No. Cactus just slide. We'll meet them after!" Orion shouted, before a bullet whizzed past his shoulder. I nodded, and slide off.

It was hard to stop, and soon we hit the ground with a thump. Orion groaned. "Let's just find cover." He brushed his fingers through his hair, and started walking into the forest.

I looked back at the city. I felt free, fully to roam anywhere. Except my home. It isn't my home. It's not. Just a place where we'd hang out. With my sister. Freedom in exchange for my sister.

No, we're going to find her once we get settled. I ran, up to catch Orion.

I'm coming for you Hera, always.

~sorry I haven't updated ): was at the Oscars. Hope you liked this longer chapter. I'm not dead? "After all this time?"

Xoxo, Skye~

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