The two families

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Each had 4 members. Each had a papa and dad. Each had a set of twins. But they were all opposite in personalities.

Matthew is a quiet boy. He doesn't often voice his opinion, and doesn't know how to speak up. Despite that he is a top hockey player, and even though he doesn't look like it, he knows how to stand up for himself. He try's to stay away from big crowds, and doesn't do well around strangers. He is very kind and caring towards the people around him, he blames it on being Canadian, and is very polite. Sadly since he is so quiet, many people over look him and forget he exists.

Matt, the Matthew 'look alike' as they call him, is the exact opposite of him. Mean, cold hearted, and doesn't care what anyone says about him. He almost never smiles, likes to fight, and sometimes smokes like his papa. Matt mostly hates his family, and gets into fights a lot with his brother. He did play hockey, but got kicked off the team because he was starting too many fights, and got too violent in them.

Alfred, Matthews brother, is loud, has a huge ego, and doesn't like listening to what people say to him. He is basically every stereotypical American. He's athletic, and plays most sports in school, plus he is pretty popular. He's dating a Japanese student named Kiku, and is friends with many people. He's obsessed with being the hero, and insists that he will save Matthew from the 'evil family next door' as he calls them, even though they don't live next door.

Allen, Matts brother, is pretty much a huge crybaby. He really likes Alfred, and is waiting for the day that Alfred and Kiku break up, so he can take him for his own. He is a bit of a stalker, and likes to follow/chase Alfred around the town until Matt has to literally drag him home. He's vegan, which leads Matt to try to sneak meat into his meals just to piss him off, and try's to convince Alfred to give up meat as well, but that sure as hell ain't gonna happen. Even though he picks a lot of fights with Matt, he usually is the one that goes crying to Oliver.

Arthur, Alfred and Matthews dad, is grumpy, stubborn, and is a master at insults. He's a awful cook, but that fact doesn't seem to get through his head since he is always eating it, even though he gets sick afterwards. He cares for his family a lot, even though he tends to insult Alfred and Francis (they don't care since they both bicker with him back). He works as a business man in a company a little bit out of town, so he is often very tired when he gets home, and is just ready for dinner and sleep, but somehow still has the energy to bicker with both Alfred and Francis.

Oliver, Matt and Allen's dad, described in two words would be 'borderline insane.' He is possessive of Francois, but still likes to flirt a little with Arthur, and likes to put drugs/poisons in his cupcakes, which he is always baking. He is always happy and bubbly, and protective of his family, often babying Allen and Matt, which they hate, Matt hates it more so then Allen. He works from home for a company that his brothers own back in the UK, so he doesn't seem to leave the house often either, but sometimes you can find him walking around the town.

Francis, Matthew and Alfred's papa, is flirtatious and flamboyant. He is always looking at the bright side of things and likes to bicker with Arthur about everything. He is amazing at cooking, he works as a chef in a French restaurant, and likes meeting new people. How him and Arthur started dating is a mystery to everyone, even them, because they are so different, but even though they are always bickering, they still love each other.

Francois, Matt and Allen's papa, is cold hearted, emotionless, anti-social, and very quiet. Not quiet in a shy way, more like quiet in a 'I'm planning your murder' way. He smokes and drinks wine a lot, and hates love, but for some reason he is married to Oliver. He doesn't leave the house very much, no one is 100% sure what he does for a job, if he even has one that is, and is always very messy looking.

Here was the little intro to the book chapter, just a little about each member of the families.

Yeah this will have a little bit of AmeriPan, Americacest, and a few others, but the main pairing will be Canadacest.

This is just what I need! Another book to worry about updating!! *a few tears fall* just what I need...

Well! Until the first chapter!!


I fell in love with a criminal (Canadacest) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora