Chapter 9

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Matt's POV:
'They aren't ever going to hurt me or Mattie ever again, I will make sure of it.'

I run, hidden in the darkness of the night, my only light in the woods being the new moon that shines through the trees. Finally, I come across what I knew would be there.

'Their base.'

The building is large and heavily camouflaged, you couldn't even think of seeing it if you didn't know exactly where to look.

Cameras surround it, so I take out my fully loaded gun, pointing at one of the cameras and firing.

I managed to break three before 6 men came running out, heavily armed, but I didn't care anymore.

I shot them straight through the head, right in between the eyes.

My father didn't teach me many things, but he did teach me to shoot.

I manage to kill four of them before the last two figure out where I'm at. They see me, running at me with guns out and pointed.

But it doesn't faze me.

I'm here for a reason, and I'm not going back unless I'm dropped dead at my families feet.

I. Will. Not. Fail.

I swing my hockey stick down at the first mans head, shattering the scull. The second doesn't get any better treatment.

With blood stained clothing, I run into the building, readying myself for an onslaught of people, but it doesn't come.

I don't waste anytime thinking on it.

Instead I continue running, stopping when I find the exact room I'm looking for.

The room with the money.

Breaking it down, I take out the bag I brought, filling it to the brim with hundreds and fifties. A gun cocks behind me, and I stop, smirking at the stupidity of the person.

In the blink of an eye, the man is dead on the floor, scull bashed in just like the men outside.

Continuing on my way, I run down the hall, where a control system lays.

I bring my hockey stick up, slamming it against the buttons and switches so many times I lose count.

Everything turns off, the control system smoking. Reaching for a match, I light it, letting it fall as I run out.

'Fucking watch me Terrel-Ernestine, watch me bathe in the blood of your men and bask in the heat that is your base on fire.'

Matthew's POV:
I woke up with a start, breathing heavily.


My head snaps to the side, Matt standing at my door, which was now knocked down to the floor.

Matt is covered in blood, some parts of his clothes are burned and ripped, and he has two guns on his belt.

A hockey stick that is barely recognizable because of the blood is held tightly in his left hand.

He is breathing as heavily as me.

"Come on Mattie, let's go on an adventure."

His words scare me.

I mean, rather you love someone or not, this sight is bound to make you question your feelings.

He clears his throat.

"I'm sorry Mattie, I'm sure this is scary and surprising, but Terrel-Ernestine is going to hurt you and probably kill me, please, let's go before they find us." He puts his hand out, walking towards my bed. I stare at his hand, then look up at him.

He looks nervous, tapping his foot against the floor.

'I'm going to regret this so much.'

Slowly, I reach for his hand, grabbing it. He pulls me up, "good choice love."

He kisses me, and it's maddening.

This is what I've wanted for 3 years, and now, in my bedroom late at night, I'm finally getting it.

I ignore the fact that my fantasies don't include Matt covered in blood or him breaking in my house at 4 in the morning.

He pulls away, smirking at me. "Pack a bag, we'll get in your car and go up state, there we will steal a car and continue on until we leave the country," he explains in a deep voice that makes me weak in the knees. I nod, and he kisses me again, rougher this time.

"Let's go."

He leaves, me watching as he runs out of my room.

I can still feel his lips on mine as I grab the nearest bag, packing some clothes, things I will need, and Kuma into it.

With one look around my room, I run out, following the sounds of cans moving around downstairs to Matt, who is packing non-perishable foods in two grocery store bags.

He turns to me, looking me up and down.

"Nice chest by the way, didn't get to tell you up there." I blush, covering myself, finally remembering that I lacked a shirt. He finishes up, grabbing my hand with the one that holds the hockey stick.

"Keys." I nod quickly, handing them to him. We rush outside, I look over my shoulder for the psychopathic German that could be anywhere now.

Matt unlocks the car, and we climb in, starting it and turning on the heater.

The clock reads 4:37, a perfect time to be escaping an evil person.

At least, to me it is.

Especially with Matt, who is smirking as we start down the deserted road, gripping the steering wheel with one hand and mine with the other.

The nerves are sickening, but the rush is drunkening.

'I could get used to a feeling like this.'

3rd person's POV:
Terrel-Ernestine stared at their burning base, knowing exactly who did it.

'15 men killed and 20,000 stolen, Matt is dead.'

An unnamed women runs up behind me.

"We searched both houses, both Matt and Matthew are gone." I turn sharply, wrapping a hand around her throat, tightening it with every word.

"Tell Flavio and Luciano that we are starting sooner than planned."

I drop the choking female.

Smirking at the reddening sky.

"Alfred and Kiku will be mine."

I fell in love with a criminal (Canadacest) Where stories live. Discover now