Chapter 4

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Matts POV:
I ran down the stairs "goddamnit what is it now?" I coldly asked my family and the two Italians that just showed up. Oliver narrowed his eyes at me "I would say put money in the swear jar but we have to do something important" Flavio nodded "we need help from you guys because Luciano picked a fight with the leader of the most dangerous gang in the state and we need as many people as we can get" he explained, glaring at Luciano.

Luciano glared back "get off my case fucktard we need to go, it's a fucking 30 minute drive and the damn gang leader said we needed to be there by 9:00!" He yelled, stomping out of the house in anger.

"Drive the back way so no one sees us leaving with our weapons ok?" Oliver told the blonde and he nodded, walking quickly out of the house. Oliver turned to look at me and Allen "go get your weapons" he told us and we nodded, running up the stairs.

"I don't get why we have to help clean up Luciano's messes, he's always picking fights with people" Allen complained and I hit him upside the head "shut up you slut, I'm no happier then you about fighting this gang" I hissed, running into the backyard and out the gate to get to the car.

"Ok so the gang leader is named Terrel-Ernestine and they are known for being pretty ruthless when it comes to fighting" Flavio told us, showing us a printed picture of a person with blood red hair and purple eyes, they were holding a knife in one hand and a gun in the other.

"Their two people below Terrel-Ernestine are named Natasha and Leisl who are also said to be very dangerous, and right below Natasha and Leisl are Trudchen and Voss, both are dangerous as well" he continued, showing us 4 pictures.

One was a girl with long jet black hair holding a bloody knife (Natasha),  the next was a girl with short brown hair holding a old looking gun (Leisl), the next was a boy with the same shade of brown hair as the second girl holding a identical gun (Voss), and lastly was a girl that had uneven short white hair and bright red eyes holding a sword (Trudchen).

Each of us took one of the pictures, I took the leader.

I studied the picture of Terrel-Ernestine, noticing that even though they showed zero emotion, I could feel the sadism coming off of them through the picture.

"Even though I picked a fight with them and they want to fight, they promised they wouldn't kill anyone as long as we didn't kill any of them" Luciano told us and I happily sighed.

'Now I don't have to fear I will die and never see Mattie again.'

"Are we fighting the entire gang?" Allen asked, breaking me out of my thoughts of Mattie. Luciano shook his head "no they said just bring your best men and they will as well, so I just picked the 8 in the group" he explained, Francois glared.

"What I want to know is how in the world did you pick a fight with them? And why in the hell would you do it?" He coldly asked and Luciano glared back at him in the rearview mirror "I ran into Terrel-Ernestine because we were stealing from the same house and I started a fight because it was my house to rob, I didn't even realize it was them until I left" he explained, and I rolled my eyes.

"When did that happen?" I asked and Flavio answered instead of his now pissed brother "about 7:00 today" he told us and Oliver looked up from one of his bottles of poisons, I still have no idea how he gets his hands on those and I've lived with him pretty much my whole life.

"Should we capture any of them? I brought chloroform and a rag" he said, showing us for proof, Flavio shook his head "probably not a good idea Oliver, we don't want the top criminal gang in the state after us, especially one with those 5 people I talked about in it" Allen leaned up from the very back seat "why not? Don't you have the exact same thing as them?" He asked and Flavio nodded.

"Well yes, but I don't want to lose any men, and I can't lose any of you because we need you for backup."

'Of course the only reason he doesn't want us to die is because we help him with stuff.'

I thought bitterly, crossing my arms, and looking out the car window.

~small timeskip~

"We're here" Flavio told us and he opened his door, Luciano following right after. The rest of us looked at each other "let's go boys, we have some bitchass to kick" Allen said, sounding way too excited for this. I rolled my eyes at my idiot brother. Both Oliver and Allen opened their doors and we all climbed out of the car, looking over to where the other 5 members of our little team were, right in front of them were the 5 from the pictures.

We walked over and Terrel-Ernestine smirked at me, I glared back at them, but they didn't seem to be affected by it in the slightest, in fact they seemed amused by it.

'None of them look over 23, how in the world are they the top of the most dangerous criminal gang in the state?'

I asked myself, and I could tell the others were thinking the exact same thing. Terrel-Ernestine smirked at the 9 of us, I now noticed the knife scraped to their pants and the gun in their right hand.

"Hello boys" they said "Terrel-Ernestine" Luciano hissed and said person laughed, a laugher that screamed insanity "that's cute Luciano, acting all strong and mighty" they chuckled and Luciano threw a knife at their arm.

But it shocked us all when they caught it only a inch before it hit them. They chuckled again "you have nice aim Luciano" they twirled the knife around their fingers "and thanks for the nice knife" they said, smirking at the now growling Luciano.

The girl I recognized as Natasha turned to look at the red haired leader "when do we get to start ripping them to shreds Terrel-E?" She asked, voice dripping sadist intentions. Terrel-Ernestine looked at her "I promised no killing Natasha mein lieber" (my dear) Lutz narrowed his eyes "you know German" he said and the other nodded "I was raised by a German man, but I know many more" they told the blonde.

Allen groaned, we all turned to look at him "we gonna fight or not?" He said and right away I knew it was a mistake.

Terrel-Ernestine looked down and smirked "if that what you want" they turned to Leva and nodded, the girl nodded back.

'They're trading silent signals!'

Right as that thought passed through my head there was a quick movement coming from the blonde and a pained sound rang through the air.


My awesome self is back from my break and I'm ready to write!

Small information on the 5 people they are fighting

Terrel-Ernestine is my 2p self (because why not?)

Natasha is 2p Belarus

Leisl is 2p Lichtenstein

Voss is 2p Switerland

Trudchen is 2p fem Prussia

Just so y'all know

They won't be super important characters, but they will show up once or twice in later chapters

Little bit of a cliffhanger eh?


Until next chapter!



Instead of Ernestine I've been writing it Edelstein, which isn't correct

So I'm going to fix it

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