Chapter 2

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Matthews POV:
When I saw Allen he was leaning against a beat up red pick up truck, smirking at his phone, obviously texting someone. I guess he heard our footsteps because he looked up, smirking even bigger at the sight of me, and I half way flitch, not liking the smirk and look in his eyes as he looked me up and down.

"Dang Matt you weren't kidding when you said porkchops brother was coming with us" Matt hit him upside his head, climbing into the drivers seat, and Allen going around the car to the passengers seat. Matt locked the door before he could open it. "What the hell Matt?" Allen said, and Matt pointed to me from inside the car "Mattie is sitting there, you are sitting in the back" Allen frowned, but got into the car anyways when Matt threaten to beat him with his hockey stick.

Matt looked back over to me, I was standing next to his door awkwardly, and rolled down the window "go ahead and get in Mattie" he told me, and I nodded, walking a little faster then normal to the passengers seat. Once I was in, and Matt made sure I was buckled in, not caring if Allen was or not. He started the car and drove out of the schools parking lot.

For a second or two no one said anything. I was running the tips of my fingers together (a nervous habit of mine), and apparently Matt noticed and put two and two together. He did a mix of a smile and smirk "don't worry Mattie, no one in my family bites."

"Yeah! We don't bite" Allen declares, but grabs the back of my chair, leaning in to me as close as his seatbelt will let him and whispers in my ear "hard" and I freeze in the seat. Matt pulls up to their house, I've passed it before and am told every time to look away from it, and thankfully Allen pulls away, rushed out of the car, and into the home.

I unbuckle the seatbelt and open the door, stepping out of the truck. Matt closes the door for me, for whatever reason he has, and starts to walk up to the house, I follow him after a small moment of hesitation.

'It's not to late to back out Matthew, home is very close to here.'

My mind tells me, but I don't listen, walking into the house after the taller blonde. I heard the sound of people talking from the kitchen, but apparently Matt had no interest in them since he grabbed my hand and fast paced walked up the stairs towards what I'm guessing is his room. My guess was proved correct when we walked into a room that could only belong to him.

Dirty clothes covering the floor, a few holes in the walls (I don't even want to know how they got there), hockey equipment in one corner, a polar bear on the corner of his bed (although it seemed to be giving off a dangerous aura, which is really weird for a stuffed animal), one desk that had many carvings in the wood, and something that really stood out to me.

Hanging on his wall, underneath it were nails that held it up, was a hockey stick that had a sharpened edge. Looking around the other walls I see 2 more, one with barbed wire covering some of it and the other was entirely made of metal, all three would seriously hurt someone if they got hit by it. Matt followed my eyes around his room "yeah I know, it's messy, I didn't know someone was going to be coming over" he told me, walking over to his bed as I continued to stare at the three hockey sticks.

He cleared his throat after a minute, and I turned to look at him. While I was looking around he had pulled out a laptop and was leaning against the wall next to his bed, he patted the spot next to him. I understood that he wanted me to join him on his bed, so I walked over to it, claiming over it to the wall, sitting a foot or so away from him.

I looked over to his laptop to see what he was doing. He had a word document opened.

Writing project-
Project: write a story
Length: 10,000 words at least
Partners: Matt and Mattie (Matthew)

I fell in love with a criminal (Canadacest) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن