Chapter 11

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Luciano's POV:
I don't think I've ever seen Terrel-Ernestine look so pissed.

They're glaring at the computer screen in front of them, typing away on the keyboard.

"So, what's the plan now? We planned it for a few days from now." They turn, aiming the glare at me.

"The plan continues the same, we capture Lovino and little Feliciano then Alfred and Kiku," they explain, "we get the message to Matt by hacking every single tv in the United Stated and Canada." I blink, raising a eyebrow. "And how are we going to do that?" They sigh, "Arvin taught me a lot about hacking when I was smaller, including how to do this."

I lean back in the chair, watching them work. "And we don't tell Allen?" They shake their head, "no, we tell don't Allen anything until the news gets out, this is our little secret."

Matthew's POV:
Everyone here is really amazing.

Alessia and Tess made sure we were comfortable the past few days, Dedric told us all about their pets, which were outside when we arrived at their house, Stefan made us waffles every morning, and Anneke played chess and other games with me to keep me from getting bored while Matt watched the news.

Everything was okay.

Until it wasn't.

"Hallo United States and Canada." I freeze at the voice, turning towards the tv, stopping my game of Uno with Anneke. On the tv stands a smirking Terrel-Ernestine, I see Matt clinch his fists in anger.

"We are currently looking for Matt and Matthew, and I certainly hope you two are watching. We have captured four people, and the only way for them to escape unharmed, or at all, is for you to return and face what you deserve for what you have done. If you do not return in the next two days, Matthew, you may never see your brother again."

The camera changes to Alfred, who is knocked out cold and chained against a wall. I choke on a sob, eyes widened.

"Not only him, but you can kiss Kiku goodbye, same with Feliciano and Lovino. I do hope make the correct decision, until then, auf wiedersehen."

The camera shuts off, going back to a stunned news caster.

I stare at the tv in disbelief, tears streaming down my face. "Matt...they have my brother." Matt doesn't say anything for a few moments, "I know...they...they will kill me when I return." I turn to him, staring him straight in the eyes, "I need my brother back Matt, we...we need to return."

Matt stares right back, before sighing. "Anneke, can we have some time alone?" She shrugs, looking at us with worry. "Okay...I'll go to the park, everyone is else gone have the house to yourself." She walks out of the house after putting on her shoes.

We stare at each other in silence, "Mattie...since I'm probably going to die-" "no!" I yell, shocking both of us. "I'm not going to let you die! We-We'll get Alfred, Kiku, Feli, and Lovino back without you dying!" He shakes his head.

"Terrel-E won't let us do that, I'm dying if we go back and we have to go back, their lives are more important than my own." I shake my head, "n-no! We'll find a way I swear! W-We can-!" "Mattie." I stop automatically, staring at him.

His face is grim, "I'm going to be killed, I burnt down their base, stole money, and killed a few people, they won't let me get away with that." I launch myself at him, wrapping my arms around him.

"Mattie, I'm a criminal, I'm not good for someone like you." I shake my head, burying my face in his chest. "I don't care! I-I'll become one too! I-I can steal somethi-" he cuts me off with a kiss, pulling back after a moment.

"No. I'm not going to let you do something stupid like that...but I have one request Mattie." I nod, "anything." He takes a deep breath, "let me make love to you."

I stare at him, softly nodding, "okay."

It starts.

He kisses me, the kiss getting heated very quickly. I moan into it, threading my fingers in his hair.

He picks me up, walking towards the bedroom we've been sharing. He sets me down on the bed, "I'm going to make you feel amazing Matthew Williams." I nod, throwing my head back in a moan. "Do it Matt."

Arthur's POV:
I'm sitting down, head in my hands.

Francis sat next to me, crying into my shoulder. Oliver and Francois sit across from us, each one speechless. "I think Allen was in on this," Francois says. I sigh, "what makes you say that?" My voice is muffled by my hands.

"Allen has wanted Alfred for ages, it would only make since, especially since he's been hanging around Flavio and Luciano a lot lately and I know they both want Feliciano and Lovino," Oliver explains, voice strained.

I sigh, "they'll come back right? Matthew wouldn't let Alfred get hurt, he wouldn't allow anyone to get hurt." Oliver sobs, "Terrel-Ernestine will kill Matt if they come back you know." Francis looks up, "and there's no way to stop it?" Oliver shakes his head.

"We...sadly knew it was coming, once Matt attacked Terrel-Ernestine it was official, no one does that without getting hurt." Francis wraps his arm around me, pulling me to his side.

"You are criminals aren't you? All of you?" Oliver and Francois nod, "yes, we are the 'criminal family', are...are you going to turn us in?" Oliver asks, and to my shock, Francis shakes his head.

"No, you've helped us a lot in the past few days, not only that but you are probably going to lose a son, we won't do that to you," he says, smiling softly.

Oliver smiles back, even Francois let's a little one through. "Thank you Francis, you've helped us a lot too, and...I'm sorry Matthew got pulled into this, same with Alfred." I sigh, "it's okay, you didn't know it would happen, I just want my sons back."

They both nod, "us too."

I fell in love with a criminal (Canadacest) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora