Chapter 10

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Matthew's POV:
Matt and I have been driving for 6 hours now and I've slept 5 of them, the rest has been listening to music and daydreaming.

I look over to him, his cold eyes focused on the road. I fiddle with my fingers, messing with the bottom of my shirt. "So Matt..." I turn away when he looks at me, "can you sorta, tell me the plan?" I sneak a peek at him, and he nods, smiling softly as he turns from me to the road.

"We've driven about 360 miles now, and we are currently in Ellensburg so we have about 5 and a half hours until we reach Merritt, British Columbia, our destination." I nod, looking out the window.

"Why not Vancouver?" I question, watching as the different buildings go by. "Well, it's too populated there, our families would spect us going somewhere like that, so we're going to Merritt instead, I have a friend there that said she and her girlfriend will take us in for a few days."

He grabs my hand, rubbing his fingers on the back of it, "you're going to love Alessia and Tess, Alessia's brother is also there, he's only 12 so he can't exactly live alone, Tess's siblings also live there, 16 and 15." I smile, gripping his hand tighter.

"We're going to be free Mattie, no more brothers, fathers, or psycho Germans."

Francis's POV:
Arthur and I walked into our house from our lovely night out, although it was incredibly quiet, despite being around 11 o'clock. I look to Arthur, who also notices the silence.

"Matthew usually is awake by this time, how how I go get him and we can have a nice breakfast together, non?" My husband nods, giving me a small kiss on the cheek, walking away with a blush.

I smile after him.

'I swear that man just gets more adorable each day.'

I walk to Matthew's room, gently knocking on the door. When no one answers, I quietly open the door. "Matthew?" I look around, but the room is empty, drawers open and some clothes missing.

My eyes widen, putting a few pieces together. I run to the living room, where Arthur is reading a book.

"Matthew's gone." He looks up, "what do you mean, 'he's gone?'" I start to pace around the room, Arthur placing down his book. "I mean he's gone Arthur! As in, not in his room and some of his clothes are missing! Do you think he ran away?!"

Arthur puts a hand on my shoulder, stopping me. "Calm down Francis, I'm sure he went to someone's house, maybe Lovino's, let's just calm him and sorta it out," he says softly, taking out his phone.

He presses Matthew's contact number, putting it on speaker. We turn in shock when his phone, a maple leaf on the back, starts going off on the kitchen counter.

Quickly, Arthur hangs up, pressing another contact and putting it to his ear. It takes a moment for the other to answer, by that time we are both panicking.

"Alfred! Do you know where Matthew is? He's not home and he left his phone here!" Arthur doesn't say anything, letting Alfred talk. "Damnit, okay Alfred, I'll call the police-" he's cut off by harsh and quick knocking on the front door.

I walk over so Arthur can talk to Alfred, opening the door then fighting the urge to slam it in the two men's faces.

Oliver and Francois stand there, Oliver looking frantic.

"Is Matt here? He disappeared and we thought he might have come to you guys, so is my baby here?! He's supposed to be in the hospital but ran when he thought Mattie was in danger!" He says this quickly, and I can barley understand it, but slowly the pieces come together.

"Holy shit." I slam my head against the wall. "He's ran away with Matt Arthur! Fucking god damnit!" I shout in irritation and panic. I turn back to the two, "I think our sons ran away together."

Olivers eyes widen, "he was shot! This stupid gosh darn-!" He's cut off by a shout of anger. Arthur comes running, eyes widening at the sight of Oliver and Francois.

"What are they doing here?" He asked coldly, I sigh. "Seems that Matt and Matthew ran away together, they came wondering if he had ran here." Oliver has tears in his eyes, looking as if he would start crying any minute now.

"Alfred said he's coming home early with Kiku, they're going to help us, but for now we can call the police." Oliver grips Francois's hand, "we need to tell Allan, he's in the hospital you see, nasty injury," he explains.

"I hate to say this," Francois starts, "but we should probably work together in order to get our sons back."

Arthur and I look at each other, reluctantly nodding. "That's probably for the best."

Matthew's POV:
We drive up to a two story house in the middle of the forest. I look at it, "they definitely don't want people around them." Matt nods, "neither Alessia nor Tess like people much, and they both work at home so they rarely see people."

Together, we climb out of the car, grabbing our stuff. A blonde girl opens the door before we reach it, a frown on her face. "Nice to see you again Matt, and you must be Matthew." I nod, a bit intimidated if I'm being completely honest.

She allows us inside, leading us to the living room, where another blonde girl sits, working on a computer. "Tess, the two have finally arrived," Alessia, I'm guessing, says.

Tess turns, the same frown on her face. "Hello Matt, Matthew, Matt has told us quite a bit about you." I blush, looking at Matt, who smirks at me, holding my hand.

A boy, I'm guessing it's Alessia's brother, walks down the stairs, smiling. He stops when he sees us, "big sister, is this Matt and Matthew?" Alessia nods, the boy lights up again. "Hello! My name is Dedric!" He introduces.

"Stefan and Anneke will be home soon by the way, they've been waiting to meet you!" Alessia invites us to sit down, "how was the trip?" I smile, "long, I felt it would last forever." Tess joins Alessia on the couch, leaning against her a bit.

Dedric also sits down next to Alessia, still smiling sweetly at us. We talk for a bit like old friends, even though I got uncomfortable a few times.

Two people, Stefan and Anneke I assume, walk into the house, staring at us. I wave awkwardly, trying to break the silence. Matt smirks at them, "you two certainly grew since I last saw you." Stefan snorts, "probably didn't even notice since you were high as fuck last time."

"Stefan! Don't curse," Tess says, scolding her younger brother, who raises his hands in surrender. "Sorry sis," he apologizes, also it's likely he really isn't. Alessia stands, "might as well show you two your room." She begins to walk, "follow me."

Alessia is nyo! Switzerland
Tess is nyo! Netherlands
Dedric is nyo! Liechtenstein
Stefan is nyo! Belgium
Anneke is nyo! Luxembourg

((I used different names then I normally do))

I fell in love with a criminal (Canadacest) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora