Chapter 12

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Matthew's POV:
We're driving back now, we left this morning, a day after the announcement Terrel-Ernestine made.

I'm gripping Matt's hand like a lifeline.

'In a few hours...he'll be gone.'

I look over at him, a frown is on his face.

"I'm sorry Matt...I'm so sorry." He sighs, shaking his head. "It's my fault Matt, I attacked them, I think we all knew it was going to happen sooner or later."

We don't talk anymore, not knowing what to say.

Soon we're back at Matt's house. We don't unpack anything, we just walk up, knocking on the door. Allen answers, Matt automatically slams him against the wall.

"Where are they Allen? I know you're apart of this," Matt hissed, practically choking Allen.

Allen frowns, eyes welling up with tears, "you're right, I knew about this, but I didn't know they were going to kill you! I tried to help Alfred and Kiku escape but it was impossible! Feliciano and Lovino were being watched by Luciano and I wasn't taking risks in trying to help them until I had someone else with me! I'm so sorry Matt I don't want you to die! You may hate me sometimes but I still love you because you're my brother god damnit!"

Matt stares at Allen, searching for a lie, but even I could tell there wasn't one. He steps away from Allen. "Where are they?" Allen coughs, out of breath from Matt holding him against the wall.

"Terrel-E has another base in the forest, it's nearly impossible to find but I think I know the way, should we call the police and get them to help?" Matt shakes his head, "no. I'm going to die Allen, there isn't anything we can do about it, it will either happen now or later."

Allen lets a few tears fall, Matt wipes them away. "Don't be such a cry baby, you'll be fine without me." Allen shakes his head so hard I'm shocked he didn't break his neck. "No I won't! But...but okay." Allen leads us outside, where Oliver, Francois, papa, and Arthur are standing.

We stare at each other for a moment before papa runs at me, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. "Oh mon enfant!" He cries, I see Oliver running at Matt. I sigh, pulling away from him.

"Papa, we...we have a job to do, we're going to get them back." Arthur walks up, "we're coming with you." My eyes widen, and I shake my head with as much force as Allen did.

"No! I won't let you come with us!" Papa places a hand on my shoulder, "it's not a choose for you to make Matthew, we're coming no matter what, same with Oliver and Francois."

I stare at them, eyes welling up with tears. "Okay papa and dad, but...don't get hurt please." They laugh a bit, "don't worry Matthew...we'll be fine."

~time skip~

Allen leads us inside a heavily locked building. He sighs, "Terrel-Ernestine! They're here!" He calls out, within five seconds they walk around a corner, staring at us with a crazy look in their eyes.

"Matt! Matthew! And...others!" They say, clapping their hands once. "As promised, you may have Alfred, Kiku, Feliciano, and Lovino in exchange for another's life." Matt steps up, "I'm prepared to die."

Terrel-Ernestine laughs, something that chills me to the bone. "Oh, it's not your life that I want...but if you're so prepared, I guess I can't refuse another murder." They pull a knife from its holder.

"Matthew, Matt, if you would please follow me~" my eyes widen, "m-me?" Terrel-Ernestine nods. "Oh yes, we can't have Alfred so I'll take the other brother! You ran from me with Matt, you should have known your death was coming."

Papa and Arthur almost step forward, but Francois holds them back. "You will die if you do that," I hear him whisper in their ears. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Let me say bye to Alfred and Kiku first." Terrel-Ernestine smiles, a sight that will haunt me. "I can do that, we will return with the four later, okay boys, say your goodbyes."

I turn to papa and Arthur, "just let me go, I'll be fine." They attack me in a hug, crying into my shoulders, I hug them back tightly. "Don't cry Oliver, we both knew it was coming," Matt says, I look over to see him hugging Oliver, Allen, and Francois.

"Okay boys, time is up." I pull away from papa and Arthur, "I'll see you again one day, okay?" They nod, papa wipes a tear from my eye.

I turn to Matt, grabbing his hand in my own. We walk towards Terrel-Ernestine, not look back to our families.

We walk down multiple hallways, the entire time Terrel-Ernestine is behind us, making sure we don't run.

They open one of the doors, where Alfred and Kiku are sitting side by side, Feliciano and Lovino must be somewhere else. Alfred's head shoots up, eyes widening at the sight of me. I smile sadly at him, "hey Alfred." He runs at me, but is stopped by the chains. Instead, I walk over to him, gently hugging him.

"I'm going to die today Alfie, but you, Kiku, Feliciano, and Lovino will be free." He pulls away, "you're going to what?!" He yells, I just brush his hair down. "I'm going to die, but you will be perfectly fine, I promise." I give him one more hug before moving to Kiku.

"I'm sorry I lied Kiku, I guess you weren't 100% safe." He smiles sadly, "that's okay Matthew-san, we'll miss you." I smile back, "I'll miss you too."

I stand, ignoring Alfred's yelling. Once again, I grab Matt's hand, smiling at him. "I'll be back for the two of you in a little bit, and stop yelling Alfred you're hurting my ears."

Alfred doesn't stop, but Terrel-Ernestine leads us out of the room, closing the door behind us.

We enter a plain, fully white room with nothing in it, just four blank walls. "Get on you knees in front of that wall, I decided just to shot you, get this over with," Terrel-Ernestine instructs, pulling out a gun from their belt.

We do as told, sitting right beside each other.

"Who goes first?" Matt raises his hand before I can, "I will."

He turns to me, "I love you Mattie." I smile, "I love you too." He gently kisses me, "turn your head so you don't have to watch." I nod, eyes tearing up.

I look away, as soon as I do, a loud gun shot rings my ears, the sound making me sick. I open my eyes, looking to my left, where Matt lays, bleeding heavily from the small hole in his head.

"Okay Mattie, look at me." I do, looking at Terrel-Ernestine in the eye. "Ready?" I close my eyes, preparing myself.

I hear the gun shot, I feel the bullet enter my head, but after that there's nothing.

Just silence and darkness.

The End

I smile at Megan, hugging her tightly. "We finally finished! Nice touch deciding the characters should be our opposite sex Meg," she snorts, "please, it was your awesome plot idea that made this perfect Madeline."

I roll my eyes, causing us to both laugh.

"At least we will have a happy ending huh?" She nods, leaning in and kissing me.

A victory kiss for finally finishing our project.

~The End~

Total word count: 17,019

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