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I hope you enjoy this chapter, a bit more of the boys!!

“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” 

― Laurell K. Hamilton

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My shift goes pretty quickly because between customers I just talk to Darcy and Greg – completely avoiding the topic of Niall and his friends. I would have been too lucky if Darcy hadn’t given me little jobs like cleaning the mugs or washing down the cupboards in the mean time. I don’t think they’ve ever been cleaned because the cupboards went from a cream to a crisp white by the time I was done.

I hang up my apron on the hook with my name messily painted above it. Darcy is pretty proud of herself for that accomplishment; it’s in a light pink over a forest green slab of wood.  The ‘O’ is the biggest letter of the bunch in a big round circle.

“You’re not allowed to quit now, your name is on that slab! You’re mine! Mwahaha!” She laughs and holds up her hands, making creepy shapes with them.

“As long as you pay me, my dear you and I will be forever!” I wink at her and she pretends to faint causing me to giggle a little as Greg scampers to catch her with his hands out in front of him.

“Oh Greg, you’re such a worrier! I wasn’t actually fainting!” She giggles and plants little kisses on his lips and cheeks. I decide to make a run for it when she moves to his neck and yell goodbye before closing the door with the chime of the bell following me. As soon as I close the door I can hear the boys down the street at the park laughing and mucking around with the occasional thump of the ball hitting the fence or a post.

Why must it be so cold here in Ireland? I can’t feel my toes. It’s like walking with the tips of my shoes empty, like my shoes are ten sizes too big. By the time I get to the park the guys are running around with their shirts off like it’s not five degrees, I would hate to think what they’d be wearing in Australia in summer. Nothing? Well I wouldn’t say I would hate that. Zayn is the first to notice me and cops the ball in his stomach when he turns to wave at me. All of us wince as Zayn doubles over, clutching his stomach.

“Never. Again!” He groans and we all group around him. I can tell we’re all forcing back smiles as Zayn regains his composure.

“Sorry mate!” Louis says and lightly pats Zayn on his back, but Zayn waves him off and lets out a huff as he straightens up.

“Not so hard next time,” Zayn wheezes and points toward Louis rather pathetically, which causes Niall to erupt in laughter behind me. I turn to find him holding himself up on the fence, “Niall I’ll punch you in the gut and we’ll see how you like it!”

“Sorry, man! You just look so funny!” Niall chuckles, he even tries to look straight at Zayn but he can’t help himself and doubles over in a fit of laughter once more.

“You’re a dick, Niall!” Zayn says and the rest of the boys start laughing as well.

“Zayn, it was pretty funny!” Louis says between bursts of uncontrollable laughter as he and Harry clutch onto each other to hold themselves up. I quietly stand in the back and giggle into my hand as even Zayn starts to laugh with pain plastered on his face.

“Shh! Everyone it’s my phone!” Louis says, and pats everyone on the head before answering. “Yo!”

“Hey mum!” Harry yells over Louis’ shoulder. Louis swats him off and plugs his ear with his finger.

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