Soon to be reunited

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Hello! So here's the sequel to "The Demon That Loves", travel through the land of fanfiction where crazy stuff happens. Hope you all enjoy!

"Forever and always. Lies." You say as you glare at the ground. It's been a few years after the divorce. At first you were upset, why would he do that to you?  Though, now you are just infuriated with him. After the divorce, you moved away and traveled the world. You had a few flings with different men, nothing too serious. Why bother clinging onto something that ended ages ago? Finally decided to come back to where this all started, you are now walking the cold streets of London. Thinking back to the days you spent with Sebastian, you wouldn't deny that it was magical. It was better than anything you had experienced before; it was grand really. Though, the past is in the past and you can't change it, even though you wish too. You're heading back to your newly brought home, which was actually quite nice.

~With Sebastian~

"Here is your tea, master." Sebastian says before he places the tea on Ciel's desk before taking a step back. 

Ciel takes a quick look at Sebastian, "Thank you. I've noticed that you have been rather upset. Meaning that you haven't been pissing me off like you usually would." Ciel says, before looking back down to his paper with a bored look. Sebastian only chuckles half-heartedly, he almost forgot that he wiped the memories of his master and other workers. (Y/N) and Sebastian came to a compromise to erase their memories, just to make things a little easier. Sebastian hated how their separated, if only he could turn back time. Though, life doesn't treat us like that.

"This case is frustrating me to no end." Ciel says as he looks down at the different papers that littered his desk. 

"Are you in need of assistance, master?" Sebastian asks, taking a piece of paper off Ciel's desk and quickly reads over it. Another murder case, it's a shame really. 

"I haven't dealt with a case so horrid like this before." Ciel says as he sighs and leans back into his chair. 

"This case may actually be hard to solve. I believe we need some assistance." Sebastian states. Would she help? He sure did hope so. 

"Whatever, do what you have to do." Ciel says as he shoos him off.

Sebastian dials your number and held the telephone close to his ear, he hopes that you pick up. Just when he was about to hang up, the familiar voice he hadn't heard in such a long time stopped him in his tracks.

~Back with you~

"Good evening (Y/N)." You hear that familiar voice. 

"Sebastian." You say, you were quite surprised that he called you and how the hell did he get your number? 

You pushed that to the side, "You wouldn't be calling me unless you needed something, spit it out." You say as you look around the room. 

"That isn't true." Sebastian begins to argue; however, he sighs after.

"Ciel is in need of your help. A case is troubling him and I thought that your contribution would be a great help." Sebastian replies. 

You think for a moment; you did enjoy Ciel's company plus he was an old friend even though he didn't remember you. "Fine, I'll be there soon." You say before you hang up the phone quickly. 

Taking a deep breath, were you really up to this? After all of the time you spent away from each other, were you ready to face him again? Probably not, though you would act civil towards him and maybe even try to find out why he had ended things with you because that still remains a mystery. 

Rekindled Hearts (Sebastian Michaelis x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now