Together Once Again

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Question of the day: How are you all? Anything I can assist with?

Making your way (downtown) to Ciel's mansion is terrifying for you. It's been so long since you've seen everyone. You missed the four goofy servants, you missed the serious yet young earl and last of all... you missed the food. Just kidding, ever after all he has done to you, you missed that stupid yet amazingly talented demon butler. 

You sigh to yourself and walk up to the small amount of stairs to the mansion's door. Before you could even knock, Sebastian opens the door with a kind smile on his face. "Welcome (Y/N), it's nice to see you again." Sebastian greets as he looks you up and down. You don't think it was a perverted sense, it was more in the 'You sure have changed a lot' sense.  

Sitting down with someone who took you in while you were in need is great, yet it has a twist. He didn't remember who you are, what you have been through and how much he actually knows you. It is so bittersweet, ever after all of these years of being separated, it still hurts you. Putting on a fake smile as you speak about what you thought about the case. 

"That's a good point, I never bothered to think about that." Ciel compliments, giving you the nod of approval. 

"Do you have a plan?" You ask him.

"It seems as though this killer enjoys going after women." Ciel comments as he sighs softly. It really is unfortunate. "Perhaps we could throw a ball to attract the killer. This killer seems to stick around nobles so we will focus on them." Ciel then comments as he leans forward slightly. "We have Sebastian and you, Miss (L/N). Everything will be fine... I am well aware of what you are." Ciel comments, giving you a small smirk as he did so. 

"Do you now? Elaborate on that." You reply, placing your own smirk on your face. Sebastian who happened to be standing in the room begins to feel jealous of the words exchanged by his ex-wife and young master. 

"A demon, just like my butler; Sebastian here." Ciel says, motioning to his nearly forgotten butler that stood quietly in the room.

"Really? Interesting." You say, turning to look at Sebastian quickly before turning your attention back onto Ciel who noticed the shared glances between this woman and his butler. Ciel wanted to ask, then he didn't want to know so he left it be. "When will this ball take place?" You ask, as you raise an eyebrow at the young earl in front of you.

"Tomorrow night, so I will have you and Sebastian send out the invitations." Ciel comments. 

You nod your head at his words and stands up, "Let's get going then." You say. 

"Be quick. I don't want this case to drag on any longer." Ciel comments and waves the two of you off. 

~Time skip~

You sit next to Sebastian on the carriage as he made the horses go, the silence is agonizing so you decide to break it. "Sebastian, why did you end things with me?" You ask, turning to look at him with a glare. 

Sebastian doesn't look at you and sighs, how he dreaded that question. It was a stupid reason and knowing you, you would punch him in the face and throw him off the carriage. "You went and traveled the world, yes?" Sebastian starts off, throwing you a quick glance. 

"Yes, it was amazing. You would of been able to experienced it with me but... Oh wait, you broke up with me." You say, accidentally on purpose taking a dig at him.

Sebastian only smirks slightly at your words, he had loved your swift tongue as it spat out words to him. You were like a scorpion, your sting hurts. "However, my dear kitten, I would not have been able to leave." Sebastian starts off. "I wished for you to experience everything for yourself, being stuck here isn't the best thing." Sebastian then finishes as he sighs. "I live in regret though because (Y/N)... I still love you."  

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