You Left Us

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You lick your lips, the taste of blood doesn't disgust you anymore. The amount of beatings that you have received in just this one night is unbelievable. Your body is badly bruised, you're sure that there are a few broken ribs too. You can heal yourself, yes but you just remembered last time. Sebastian had to turn you into a demon so that you could survive. You don't have anyone here that can help you, it's terrifying. 

You spit onto the dirty ground that has been stained with blood, sweat and tears. The tools that have been used on you, lay there on a silver platter, mocking you. You are too weak to even break out of these bars, even when you do end up slowly healing back to your powerful self. 

Your father is a sick man, he wanted you, so he killed your mother for it. All your mother wanted to do was protect you, you wish that you could have protected her. You would do anything to bring her back, you would do anything to have that man's head on a spike. He ran an orphanage to collect all of these helpless children only to experiment on them. He was smart, with the very little resources he had he was able to break everyone in that damn orphanage. He broke you, you couldn't even tell anyone that the horrible running this whole ordeal was your father. 

You knew that you would only be attacked because of that information. 

You were weak. 

And right now? Well, it seemed as though you were in the exact spot were you had started. Chained, broken, tired and angry. 

Oh, you are going to enjoy killing him. 

You hear the door open, it is your father once more. "I have someone for you to meet!" He giggles. 

He's sick, that is your father. 

You are related to him. 

You couldn't feel anymore disgusted than you are right now. 

You narrow your eyes, you hope that it isn't someone such as Ciel or any of the others. You would hate yourself if any of them were caught and that you weren't able to save them. 

You can't save anyone in the state that you're in. 

A girl with long blonde hair, blue eyes enters the room behind your father. She glares right at you, "I'm sure you remember Paisley?" Your father mutters with a smirk. "She's such a loyal little girl, killing every last pest in that orphanage after it all went to pieces." He continued. 

You gasp, that sweet little girl? You remember pushing her on a swing and telling her to save everyone, she did the exact opposite. 

"I'll let you two bond." Your father cackles, looking towards the bloodied tools on the platter. 

Paisley doesn't say anything, that sweet little girl that you once knew wasn't there anymore. She stalks towards you, her hands in clenched fists. 

She stops right in front of you, before bringing her fist to your ribs to hear a satisfying crack. You screech loud in pain, she is way to strong; she isn't human. 

"Paisley... Don't." You croak, you lift your head weakly to look at her. Her blue eyes are welling up with tears. 

"You left me there!" She screams, landing another punch to your other side. Her hand then clenches your ripped shirt as you let out a cry. 

"I thought that you would come back. You and Ashlynn. I tried to protect everyone while I waited. And I waited. And I waited." She cries out, her whole body begins to shake as she keeps her eyes to the floor. "You never came back. I did my best to protect everyone. He just broke them all. They other died from disease, they killed themselves like Luna did. Only a few escaped." She broke down, she falls to the floor. 

"You left us (Y/N), it's all your fault." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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