Rough Touches

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"We've delivered your invitations. Now what do we do?" You ask, staring down at Ciel as he sat rather casually at his desk.

"We wait." Ciel utters as he looks straight up at you. By his eyes, you could tell that he was a demon. That means that Sebastian is bound to him forever. You wondered why Ciel hasn't left yet, it was strange. Perhaps the other workers knew and learned to accept, after all that's all that they could do.

"We're just going to sit here and wait?" You ask, you could easily tell that Ciel has changed a lot.

"Yes. Unless, you have another plan that could possibly help find this killer." Ciel retorts. Silence, he got you there because you didn't have anything.

"That's what I thought. How about you go help Sebastian or something?" Ciel suggests soon shooing you off.

You huff to yourself with your arms crossed, over the few years your attitude has become worse. You weren't that innocent little girl anymore that lived on the street. You are that fierce woman, who doesn't let anyone mess with her. You could hear footsteps coming from behind you, so you turned around though no one was there. Sebastian. Always him. This brings back memories.

You remembered when you first came to the manor and Sebastian decided to stick his tongue down your throat almost straight away. You wouldn't deny that you liked it though. "Sebastian. I know it's you." you say as you roll your eyes. You turn around and Sebastian is in front of you, "Ah." you say sarcastically while throwing your arms up in a defensive manner.

Sebastian loves your new attitude. Of course, he loved your innocence; yet he loved how he was the one who took it away. "I didn't mean to scare you, my dear." Sebastian retorts as he bows down. You couldn't help but chuckle softly, he's such a douche.

"What do you want?" you ask, keeping your arms crossed.

"I just wanted to see my beautiful kitten." Sebastian says as he reaches to wrap his arms around you yet you side step him.

"Fuck off." You mumble stubbornly. Even though you two have already eaten each other's face, you wouldn't let him win so easily. You're not going to be like that anymore.

"Your words wound me." Sebastian exaggerates, placing a hand over where his heart should be.

"Well, what do you expect? I like causing pain." You say as you begin to walk off.

It didn't take long for Sebastian to break and he soon had you pinned against the wall. His hands were travelling up and down your body and his lips were pressed against your neck. "Even after all of these years, you still can't control yourself." You mumble almost breathlessly, his small kisses leaving you feel like that.

"I don't hear you complaining, especially when you call out my name loudly when I-" Sebastian starts though you cut him off by roughly tugging at his hair.

"Shut up." You say.

"I won't let you control me." You say as you soon push him against the wall, you're now strong enough to keep him there. "Now, it's my time to dominate. Any complaints?" You question him though he shakes his head with a small smirk. "Good." You say before harshly pressing your lips against his.

Rekindled Hearts (Sebastian Michaelis x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now