Leave it to me!

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"Damn it watch were you going”.l bumped into someone again.

" so-sorry!

"Wait a minute you again! I said.

" O hi!she said wiping her face.

"Wait why you crying? I suddenly felt a little concerned.

" it's nothing. She suddenly turned on her heels and walked away while I followed.


I've been following this girl for about 10 minutes now and she wasn't stopping. We were deep in the woods and suddenly she stopped at a huge beautiful  waterfall.l have never seen anything like it. And set on a very large rock and started tossing rocks in the waterfall.l set next to her while her eyes were glued to the water.

"This were l used to came with my mom to relax and just talk about life and the future. She suddenly said something.

" This is amazing”.l said.

"My mother used to say you have to respect the living of the nature so that it can give you free of mind." She said.

" can l ask you something?l asked and she looked at me with her sparkling light green eyes.

"Why were you crying ”.l asked.

" its nothing! She looked back at the water.

"Please tell me! I urged her.she looked back at me.

" l got kicked out of the camp's games club because they accused me of being a spoiled brat.they forced me to step down as the leader.when she looked at me she stopped talking.

"Wait they is a club in this camp weird?l said and then allowed her to continue.

" A guy said I'm a daddy's girl so I don't belong there!she said with a sad tone in her voice.

"Wow that's deep.l hope you slapped him.

She laughed and said yeah l did.

" ok let's make a bet.I suddenly got serious.

"Ok what is it?her eyes lit up.

" How about if l get you back in the stupid club you are gonna go out on a date with me and l get to kiss you for real”.l pulled out a smile.

"No I'm not kissing you.!she said as if its the first time she hear a word kiss.

" ok how about let's just make it a date?l suddenly twist the bet a little.

"Ok deal!but how are you gonna get me back in the club?
Leave that to me!

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