The camp has fallen

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The drive back to camp was oddly awkward. This was the first time l actually listened to the air and nature and not girls. We finally arrived at camp and apparently coach Winters and other adults and girls and boys were standing at the gate with a few of their bags. And the camp cabins were burning down.Trina looked at me in confusion,before the car even stopped she got out. And ran to her dad.l suppose to find out what was going on.bitch must be crazy.l got out of the car and headed straight to one of the guy from my cabin named Antonio.“Yoh man what's going on here? I asked looking at all the people who were crying and some were injured. “Someone set the camp ablaze!”Antonio replied shaking his head in disapproval. “What!well do you know who did it? I asked looking at Trina who was suddenly helping out girls to calm down. “some enemy l guess... But l think you should ask old man Winters.”he said staring at coach who was talking to other camp colleagues and policemen.I marched straight to him but he was ready to kill me for his daughter. But I told him this wasn't the time we had bigger things to worry about.“can we not do this now at least tell me who did this?l asked serious about this issue. “Why do you care...after all you just a young boy with anger.”he replied with his high pitched voice. “Listen l might be a boy but l got guts and I'm part of this camp so put your pathetic issues aside and tell me who fuckn burned this camp?”l asked in fury while holding him by the collar shirt. I was expecting him to call the police but he just laughed as if it was a joke. “You know how long l have been waiting for you to be a man?he said while still laughing. “Are you gonna tell me now?l let go of him and asked again. As he was about to respond the forest was set ablaze too. Everybody could see smoke and fire.the girls started screaming.The policemen started running to the scene of the crime that meant the culprits are on the move.Coach Winters started spilling out the dirt. And I had a good idea on what to do. I went to my cabin mates and Rogen who just arrived and I told them the plan. One of my guys destructed the policemen and the rest of us were heading into the woods.l had a feeling we could do better than the popoholes.we had to put our differences aside and work together on this one.we are doing this for lakebottom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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