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It's been another two weeks and I am worried that in gonna start to show. I don't want to just waltz into the squad room with a giant stomach and be like 'oh yeah.. I'm kind of pregnant!'
I need to tell someone. I need to tell him. I mean is his kid. He has a right to know doesn't he.

Ring ring... Ring ring...
"Hey, will you come over please? I need to speak to you"
"Sure I will. I'll be there in 10"

Ten minutes later he arrives. I invite him in and we sit down on the couch.
"So what did you want to tell me?"
"I'm pregnant" I say bluntly
"You're.. And.. It's.. Mine?"
"Yeah, I think. Look in sorry. If you want to leave in understand"
"Liv, what are you talking about! I want this baby! I want to be with you! I'm not going anywhere!" He says putting his hand on my knee
I smile at him, and he returns the gesture.
"This won't ruin our friendship.."
"I know it won't. I won't let it" he says cutting me off.
"Can we not tell anyone yet please?"
"Of course, Liv. Whenever you are ready"

He leaves shortly after so I decide to go to bed early. I need to sleep.

I walk into the precinct the next day. I want to keep my baby safe, so I am forced to tell Cragen. But he will put me on desk duty. But I need to keep my baby safe.
"Capt can I speak to you please?" I ask
"Yeah sure what about?"
"Can we go in your office?"
He nods and I follow him into his office.
We sit down and I take a deep breath.
"Liv what's up"
"I'm pregnant" I just come out with it. I can't hover over the subject.
"Wow Liv! That's great" he smiles
"Yeah" I sigh
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. It's fine"
"I hope you don't mind me asking, but erm. Who's the father?"
"I erm.. I don't know"
Another white lie. Because I do know. But if I tell anyone who it really is, it could change everything.
"Oh, okay. Well I'm really happy for you Liv. But, you're going on desk duty!" He says
"Yeah yeah. But erm, could we not tell munch and Finn just yet"
"What about Elliot?"
"Oh, yeah and him"

A white lieWhere stories live. Discover now