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Cragen let me and Elliot watch trough the glass as Amanda speaks to Eden.
"I like your teddy bear. What's his name?" Amanda asks
"Teddy? Is that his name?"
"Well I like teddy. You know how you love teddy?"
She nods
"And you want to keep teddy safe don't you?"
She nods again
"Well I want to keep you safe. So could you tell me if anyone has threatened you, or hurt you?"
"You can't tell my daddy" she says
That's when I hear Elliot begin to cry
"Why can't I tell him?"
"You can't tell my mommy either, but mainly my daddy. Because he will get mad"
"Why will your daddy get mad?"
"Because of the naughty man"
"What naughty man sweetie"
"Mr Wind, my teacher"
"What does he do honey. It's okay you can tell me"
"He.." She begins to cry.
This breaks my heart.
"He.. Touched me, but he said not to tell or he would kill me and teddy"
"Sweetie where did he touch you?"
She doesn't answer, she cries even more.
"I have to go in there!" Elliot says trying to push past Cragen
"No, give Amanda time. You know better than anyone that if the parents are there they are less likely to disclose" Cragen says

"Can you show me on teddy?" Amanda asks
That's when Eden points to her teddy's down stairs area.
I feel like I can't breathe. I can't quite comprehend what I am witnessing.
I cry into Elliot's shoulder as he does mine.

"Okay sweetie. When did he do this?" She asks
"Before class. Daddy dropped me off early. And I was the only one there. I needed a wee wee, and he helped me on the toilet"
"Okay, could you describe the toilet for me baby?"
"Erm.. It had pink flowers on the wall. And a blue bird. And a yellow sun. And green grass"
"Wow, you have a really good memory"
"Thank you"
"Honey, do you remember anything else?"
"I remember that he had a gun. He said that he would shoot me. And teddy. If I told anyone! Please don't tell him I told. Please don't tell my daddy. He said that my daddy can't know. Neither can mommy. But mainly daddy. I think it's because he thinks that daddy is strong, but really mommy is stronger than daddy" she giggles
"How do you know that?" Amanda asks, trying to take her mind off of what she had just herd.
"Because mommy is always on top when they wrestle" Eden says
Me and Elliot can't help laughing, with embarrassment, but never the less, our daughter always makes us smile.
"Oh okay! I'm going outside now. But if you need anything I'll come straight back okay?" Amanda says
Amanda leaves the room and meets us all outside.
"That son of a bitch. In gonna kill him!" Elliot says
"El no! You herd her! She doesn't want either of us to know!"
"Olivia is right. Elliot you are both too close to work this case. Do what's best for her, and just be the parents" Cragen says
Elliot nods. I hold his hand and squeeze it tightly. I need his comfort. I need his support just as much as he needs mine right now.

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