Chapter 3: Stupid Humans

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The long drive to the campus was the worst for the small troll. He was prone to road rage and during traffic hour, that was the worst time to let him drive. Honking was endlessly streaming from the vehicle, gritting his teeth in anger as he glared in front of him. It was nonsense how Houston could get so jammed and ninety percent of the time nothing was actually causing it.

Despite his horn honking and cursing, the movement was entirely way too slow for him. He turned on the radio, hoping it would sooth his nerves, but 94.5 the buzz only made him angrier. Of course, alternative music wasn't meant to be soothing, his best bet should have been to turn on the classical music. The nutcracker was the best thing to listen to when stressed, or so scientists say.

It took approximately two hours to escape the traffic and make it to the school. He couldn't believe he was helping the tool out but he guessed that was what friends were for; getting stuck in traffic for three hours to pick them up instead of getting two hours worth of sex.

Of course, the two weren't that sexually active to the point of going at it like hormonal teens or deadpool and his stripper girlfriend. It was just an occasional thing that happened once or twice every two or three days. Their relationship was actually pretty healthy.

They both had a job, Dave was in film school at the moment, and Karkat made dinner most of the time. They fought a lot but it was usually playful and ended with hardcore sex, most of the time, and there wasn't any signs of the relationship going down hill or anything. The both of them clinged to one another.

Karkat arrived at the campus and sighed, his eyes traveling about, almost amazed at the building. It wasl decent and looked Victorian with its Gothic style and pointed roofs. Their was chimeness everywhere, showing that the mansion was definitely built in the victorian era and was mystolgic and perfect in every way. He honestly couldn't believe this place was turned into a school for re-education for trolls and humans to learn about either species. They even had parenting classes for parents adopting from the opposite species. It was an amazing place and Karkat almost felt a ping of jealously, having wanting to go himself at one point but never actually visiting the place.

He unbuckled his seat belt and hopped out of the car, the summer day hitting him hard as he was cool from the car air conditioning, and shivered from temperature difference. His feet thumped against the cracked brick sidewalk, making his way to the ebony front entrance and gazing around the lot of the building. Pecan trees and shrubs were scattered about, the grass growing beautifully, obviously being fertilized, and out front was a wooden sign in bold letters that read:


He huffed and pushed open the brown wooden doors, grasping the brass handles, and walked in. The building was a musky old fragrance. The oldness of the building was hardly covered though their was a tinge of Lavender in the air.

He texted sollux, letting him know he was there, and wondered around a bit while waiting for a reply. He found a section labeled, "Library" and entered, the musk of old books and new alike hitting him fast. It was almost overpowering but yet addicting to smell. He shivered and walked through, his fingers gliding over the book covers before his eyes land on one book that completely captivates his attention.

The book is green and faded, gold rings run along its spine, chipped a bit, and a odd foreign language is written across it. It was neither a human language or a troll language. Karkat hesitantly pulled it out and studied over the lining of the papers, gold flashing his eyes more as the light of the room hits the paper. He opens it to the middle and stares in awe at the pictures and grotesque letters that line the page, a waff of a old stench filling his nose. He cringes and studies the pictures, a woman is slaying what appeared to be a dragon.

"Its in Latin so i doubt you can read it."

Karkat jumped and squeaked, slapping the book shut and turning abruptly to be face to face with a short boy with black hair and red eyes.

It took only a few moments for him to recognize him as the elevator boy that he almost forgot about existing.

"I- What?"

"The reason you cant fucking read it," He sighed, rolling his eyes as he snatched the book away, "is because its in Latin."

"What the fuck is Latin?"

"A 'dead' human language."

"Why the fuck is their books of a dead language in the library?"

He smirked and flicked the troll in the face with his fingers, "because some people still learn it dumb fuck."

He turned on his heels and made his way to the check out desk only to turn and face to troll again, "Also, stop starring at my ass you fucking creep."

Karkat sputtered and glared, his face flushing, and the human smirked and flipped him off before walking away clearly satisfied.

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