Chapter 7: DaveKat

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It was five in the morning, the dark Sky's tendrils having taken a hold on everything but was slowly retreating as light peaked over the horizen. Karkat laid silently in his bed, eyes focused on the alarm clock as he waited for time to pass by. He was to be up for school at six or so, leaving him about an hour of nothing. Trolls had been showing up recently on earth, making many question their beliefs, his father going crazy and claiming they were demons clawing their ways out from hell. Personally, he didn't care, he just wanted to finish high school and move out.

His grades were exceptionally well, surprising many of his teachers due to his protests to participation and his flawed personality, and there was no doubt in anyone's mind that karkat would indeed go to college.

His eyes traveled over to his phone, the screen having lit up, and reached out for it to quickly check the notification. It was a text from his recent friend and slight crush, John.

The troll was way too optimistic and cheerful but it rubbed off on people, and karkat was victim to that for sure. It was noticeable that his mood in fact had become a tad brighter than usual. John always begged market to just smile every once in a while, he tried it and it felt weird but sometimes he could feel himself genuinly smiling with john and his contracting smile.

Hey katkat, do you think you could meet me at lunch by the art building? I have a friend I keep meaning to introduce you to! :B

Market frowned and quickly typed away a response.

Sure? Why the fuck not, its not like j have anything better to do than meet your nerd friends.

No, no, Dave is nothing like our other friends, he's cool.

He's "cool"?


Mhmmmm, okay yeah, I'm pretty sure if he was actually cool as in popular dick face then he wouldn't be friends with you.

Dave isn't like that, besides, he's a troll too.


That had shut him up. It was actually really hard for trolls in general to make Hunan friends, let alone become popular in a crummy asshole sense. He sighed and looked at the time once more before deciding to get ready.

(o'∀'o)(っ>w<c)( ˆ︶ˆ )∩^ω^∩(  ̄▽ ̄)(≧艸≦)

The time flowed slowly down the tree like molasses. When lunch had come karkats brain was so fried he had almost forgoten about meeting john and his friend, Dave. He knew it was best to just go so that john didn't harass him later about it and went in search for the meeting spot.

It didnt take too long to find the trolls, the two of them were sitting beneath a tree a few feet from the building, one of the trolls oddly having white hair. Karkat knew he would have to ask about it later so that John didnt get upset at him for being rude, or anyone by that matter. He didnt understand how everyone could be so defensive about everything.

As they grew closer, his feet thumping against the sidewalk quitely, eyes narrowing to study the other better, he could distinguish that the troll had black roots, meaning he had been experimenting with bleach. He also noted that his horns were identical to the triffle of feathers that a horned owl had on its head except his were straight and smooth.

He wore shades that covered the majority of his eyes. His skin was a soft milky grey, his masculine jet black eyebrows arching ever so slightly as he laughed, miraculously being able to be seen over the aviators.

"So this is the douche?" Karkat asked, making that last few steps that made him in breathing range, inhaling the scent of the other through his nostrils, his eyes fluttering, as he attempted to focus his attention elsewhere.

"Oh, hey Karkat! Dave, this is Karkat, the kid i was telling you about."


"Sup yourself."

Dave chuckled and nodded his head softly before responding, "dont you think it would be hella rediculous looking for me to sup myself?"

Karkat rolled his eyes, "the point of it wasn't to take it too seriously."

"I know, i just wanted to mess with you a lil bit."


"Kaaaaaaaarkat, seriously? Why are you always hanging out with that loser?" Vriska whined, picking at her school food with distaste.

"Sorry? Hes my friend too you know and besides, the only loser is you, stop getting fucking fired at work or stop complaining to me."

"Hey! Its not my fault-"

"Shut up vrisk, it is."

She immaturely stuck her tongue out at Karkat as he joined Dave in the music room during lunch, the two secretly dating because of the prejudice of the town. It wasn't anything serious yet, just casual dating, Karkat wasn't exactly sure it was the right move yet.

"So, i was thinkin, ive saved up some money and i could totally take you on a fuckin romcom heaven date Karks. Just me and you and a hella nice dinner. Maybe the movies afterword?"

Karkat rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Dave, you dont say fucking "romcom" date, thats stupid as fuck and makes me want to hit you."

"Wow jeez dude."

"Also, im shocked, i thought you were going to say Netflix and -"

"Netflix and chill sound bad ass too babe."

"Okay yeah no, go fuck yourself."

Dave threw his head back and bellowed, rubbing at his eyes to seep the tears away. "You're great."

They proceeded to eat their food, Daves arm wrapped around Karkat protectively...

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