Chapter 12

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"Oh god Kanaya please help me. I have no fucking clue on what I'm doing anymore." he muttered into the phone, face shoved deep into the wooden table.

Human Karkat was sleeping peacefully on the couch, wrapped warmly into his cocoon of blankets.

Karkats mind buzzed with confusion and even regret. Dave had come home and immediately assumed it was some sort of black thing and left to give them space, Karkat was then prompted to scream, though he actually didn't.

He didn't understand how the other could like him and why he had even let what had happened happen.

His thoughts slowly trailed back to last night and sighed, his brain replaying the memory as a broken record player replays the same verse over and over.

He had been shocked by the kiss, his eyes widening at first, before roughly kissing him back, growling lightly and pushing him against the wall.

The humans legs lifted up around his hips, arms around his shoulders, holding him tightly in a trap that he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

He growled and grasped the others hips tightly within his grasp, claws piercing beneath the jeans and into the skin. He was sure there would be a mark there.

Their mouths, working at a heated and long session of dominance fighting, became even more pleasant when tongue became involved, their tongues hot and as the two muscles slid against and around one another, swirling into the both of their mouths.

The troll pulled away first, the both of them panting as their fists clutched at one another. Hearts were racing fast. Before the human could say anything, the troll was right back onto him, this time attacking his neck, growling and biting into the sensitive flesh.

"Mmmmmmmmm fuck-" the human moaned out, his hips lurching up into the others, his body arched despite the little room he had for movement.

"Well" Kanaya said, "obviously you have to deal with this, you can't just let this go without question."

"Obviously!" he hissed, eyes glancing back to the human on the couch once more. His blush stained his cheeks from thinking about before.

"Do you have black feelings for him or?"

"I guess?!?! It's complicated alright, besides, humans don't do that sort of thing, Dave said so himself." He sighed, ‎deciding right now, he just needed twenty cups of coffee and a migraine pill, and got to work on it.

"Well, from what you told me, he seemed perfectly fine with it."

She was right on that one.

He felt karkat's nails digging into his scalp now, tugging on his hair, completely avoiding the Horns for now. He made soft noises in the back of his throat as their hips grinded together, Karkats dull teeth tearing at his skin and leaving bruises all along his neck. When he pulled away, licking along the skin, the human shivered. "You're being fucking gentle again. Why do you keep doing that?" The human hissed, "you're complicating this more than it needs to be. Just fucking fuck me."

The troll wasn't sure if he smelt alcohol on his breath, not one with experience on that, and shrugged the smell off, instead responding to the attack against his muddled up approaches. "Sorry, I don't want to break your pathetic human body. You're kind is way too weak and puny for black romance anyways."

The human narrowed his eyes at the challengingly before responding with "I'll show you dickface". Karkat was then being kissed once more, but this time more roughly as teeth was involved.

"Hnnnnnhg" he said into the phone, his face darker then a few moments ago.

"Are you alright Karkat?"

"I'm fine Kanaya, I'm just, thinking. He's human me for fucks sake, should this continue or not continue. Jegus, I'm forever cursed to bang humans."

"Now now karkat." Kanaya hummed, "I'm sure the kismesis relationship will work out just fine.

The door had opened just as karkat began to mewl, leaving claw marks against the humans skin as he pulled at the shirt, his lip trapped between the humans teeth in a sharp bite that actually drew blood.

"D-dave!" Karkat said, trying to pull off the human who growled needingly in response.

The two awkwardly stared at one another before Dave cleared his throat and broke the semi-silence (what with the humans complaining about cock blocking. Or tentacle blocking in this case).

"Oh fuck. Uhm, I'm just going to- have Uhm. Have fun? Don't get hurt- or Uh, unreparibly damaged??? Just. Yeah. Bye."

The door shut, and Karkat was fully embarrassed having been caught doing this. Even if Dave allowed it, he was still a little embarrassed that he saw them.

"Stop thinking about it and go back to seducing me."

"Go Fuck yourself." He spit out.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" He smirked, assisting the troll in the removal of his shirt before suggesting they take it to the couch.

However, despite the implications of a black romance, one thing still stood.

"I think I like you."

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck" Karkat hissed into his coffee mug, taking a Sip to help wash down the migraine medicine.

"What the fuck is up with your groaning over there" a sleepy voice muttered, footsteps making their way to the stressed troll.

The human karkat, his clothes disheveled, missing a shirt, stood before him, rubbing his eyes.

"What did you mean by you liking me? If it's black implications then I'm perfectly ok with that but anything red is-"

He cut the troll off, "Yes Karkat. I have a boyfriend you know, of course it's fucking black implications."

"You're a weird fucking human."

"I practice polygamy. "

"What?" the troll asked, highly curious and confused.

"Look it up. Is there any left for me?"

He huffed and pointed at the cup of coffee, to of which Karkat said a quick thanks and made his own cup.

The troll watched him, eyes following his movements as he stood on the tips of his toes to reach for a cup. He watched the human tilt his head to the side as he measured out the sugar and pored it within his cup and sat across from him, smiling into the liquid pleasantly.

Karkat snorted.

"What's so fucking funny huh?" the smile was gone and replaced with glaring eyes and a frown.

"Nothing. Just drink your fucking coffee."

They were both silent for a moment. Karkat tapped the rim of his glass, eyes casted down. "Sorry for barging in drunk and stuff."

"Its whatever. Just don't make it into a habit."

"Yeah. Don't worry, you're a shitty kisser."

"So are you. You kiss with your fucking teeth."

"Well, doesn't that suck to be you then?"

The two bickered like this back and fourth for a while before the human finally left. When he did, the troll cleaned up, took a soothing shower, and made another phone call, this one directed to Dave.


I'm just

Going to end this here

I started writing this and then like halfway I realized it didn't really match up with the last update but fuck it

Whomever is reading this deserved an update.

I think I'll end this on a cliffhanger just like homestuck should have.

The new filler updates bother me ok.

I got a migraine from them ok.

Can I just say


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