Chapter 10: Thinking things through

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"Don't ever fucking touch me again."

It had been two weeks after that incident. ‎

The face Karkat had made after that episode was all the evidence he needed to prove that he acted too rashly. He had forced the other into something he didn't want and now probably despised him in a platonic sense. He had probably never hated him the same way he had since the very beginning. He knew he was an idiot.

As he worked his shift, a Melancholy look about him, he wondered if human him was alright. He could have sworn the other was about to cry, and somehow, him touching him set him off to the extreme.

'obviously he doesn't do quadrants dumbfuck' he thought to himself and sighed. That was probably it for sure.

"Hi, can I help you?" He looked up, his voice monotone, only to have his eyes landing on troll Dave and John.

"Oh- HI? Do you need anything or are you just here to piss me off. " he said, attempting to pull off his usual 'personality' and only making It sound forced.

"Yeah, do you know what's up with Karkat? I mean, my karkat? " Dave asked, attention on everything but him as his eyes surveyed the fast food joint.

He wanted to scream, why couldn't he just suffer quietly instead of bring pestered by his Matesprite? He huffed and shrugged his shoulders, attempting to lie and sound convincing. "I really don't know nor do I give a fuck about the whereabouts of some human who happens to be in the same apartment building. Ask his friends or sonething."

Dave sighed and looked down, "Yeah sorry, I just assumed you too where close because-" His voice cut off, he was obviously uncomfortable with continuing as his hands went in and out of his pockets and fumbled around.

Karkat would have found it laughable if he wasn't annoyed and stressed.

"Because what?"

"Well I mean, he talks about you like you're his long lost twin brother who was raised where incest is fucking bomb dot com and has a nice booty the size of Texas. This brother also happens to be very tsendere and kawaii as fuck so he doesn't know whether to run to him and rejoice or punch him in the kisser. Very complicated emotions the Lil guy is feeling."

Karkat was very perplexed and confused about pretty much everything that came out of the fellow trolls mouth, sometimes not understanding anything that came out of any Daves lips.

"Uhm, sorry, what the fuck did you just say? I didn't understand an ounce of what just tumbled out of you protein shoot, can you try speaking like a fucking normal person because what I was able to make our from that incoherent slurry of bullshit was "I'm Dave Strider and I'm a Fucking Idiot."

"Man, don't be like that, you're dating human me so obviously you love my incoherent slurry probably just as much as my sick fires." He grinned as he spoke, forgetting about the previous conversation.

"Get the fuck out of my store."

"No Karkat, I have to rap to you, it just came to me, are you ready for this?"

"No! I'm going to get fired, get the fuck out Strider!" Karkat quickly clamped his hands over the others mouth and hissed at him. "Please get out, I got your message now leave."

"But we're also here for food man, you plan to deny your costumers the quality service they deserve? That's not very businesslike of you Vantas. "

Karkat sighed and proceeded to glare at the strider, "Fine, what else do you want? "

They both then ordered their food, taking forever to look at the menu, to of which Karkat reminded them that the menu hasn't changed. Once they ordered and got their food Karkat kicked them out and breathed a sigh of relief to have them gone.

What Dave had said about human him coursed through his mind however all day. He hadn't realized that the human version of himself might actually like him in some way and it was what he needed to get over his ridiculous black crush. The whole thing was just one sided.

Dave picked him up from work and took him home, as usual, but had other plans so he couldn't stay home with Karkat so the troll would be alone. He didn't mind any since it would give him time to watch some movies he'd been meaning to watch but just didn't have the time.

"Are you sure you'll be alright by yourself babe, I can totally just smooth talk my way out of the job and chill with you, maybe share some-"

"No, I don't need you to fucking baby me Dave, I'm fine. I'll just make dinner without you."

"Aww man, save me some leftovers will ya?"

"Go fuck yourself." Karkat scowled at the human, but his scowl was faltering due to the impending doom of a smile hiding behind his angry features.

"Oh, oh, I think I see a smile Karcrab cakes. "

And with that comment, he lost, his smile taking over as he chuckled. "Go away asshole."

Dave smirked and pulled Karkat close, planting a kiss on his lips before pulling back, "I'll see ya in a bit, love you."

Karkat smirked back and responded that he loved him too and watched Dave leave before going to the kitchen and deciding to just keep it simple and cook a TV dinner that he had in the freezer.

Once he finished cooking it he was just about to put a movie in and settle on the couch when he heard a knock. At first, he planned to ignore it, but they knocked again and he sighed, getting up from his spot and stomping toward the door, "I'm coming! Stop fucking banging on the door like that."

He arrived to the door, it not being very far from his area on the couch, and unlocked the dead bolts and the main lock before opening up the door. "What the fuck do you want- Karkat?"

When he opened the door his eyes were met with a sunken eyed, tear and puffy faced, Angry Karkat who, without a moment hesitation, clutched the trolls shirt in his fists shoved his lips against the others.

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