Were Is Elena?

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* Damon's POV*

" You're a sick little brat. DId you know that?" I told Katherine.

" Oww that really hurt my feelings." Katherine told me in a sassy tone.

" Why would you pretend to be elena?"

" Well, For One, I got to sleep with my fav. salvatore again, For two, It was the only way that i could get close to my daughter after you pretty much turned her against me. Does that answer your question?"

" Yea but, i have yet to ask you the most important one yet."

" ok, go ahead ask me anything and i will tell you the truth."

" Where is Elena?"

" Oh ' way to easy."

" Just cut, the crap and tell me where she is."

" OK, Fine she in your cellar, best tell stef to go get her because she's been in there for two days."

" I'm on it damon." I heard stefan say.

As io was slipping the stake down the arm of my jacket katherine was running her mouth thinking i was listenong to her. She has played my family more than once now shes not going to do it again because my family has suffered enough from her and her games and her and her games are ending today.

" Katherine i'm about sick and tired of you playing my family .." By this time i was in her face. " And you're not going to play my family anymore."

" What are you..." After I staked her she just grabbed the staked and her face was full of guilt and saddest, but i had to do that, even if she was the mother of my child. She finally fell to the ground and crumpled up. I decided to let Jasmine and Stefan take care of elena while i went and burned katherine.


" How is she?" I asked Jasmine and Stefan.

" She was a little dehydrated and hungry but shes fine now after we got her some water and a sandwich." Stefan explained to me while jasmine was talking to elena.

" I'm so sorry elena." I said.

" For what, It's not your fault that your's and stefan ex went Si-co." Elena stated.

" well while y'all sort this out im going to call jer and the rest of the crew ok.?" Jasmine told us.

" OK, thats fine." We all said in unison.

" So you're not mad?" I asked elena while stefan went to get something to drink.

" Why would i be its not y'alls fault and you've got to hand it to her she's had gotten really good at being me."

" Yea, about that.." Stefan started as he was walking back to us. " Ok what i'm about to say i fully thought that katherine was you.."

" OK.."

" We kinda slept together." He said scratching the back of his head.

" YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!"

" HaHaHA." I started busting out laughing.

" Whats so funny !?" They both asked me in a mad tone.

" Stefan..you knew... that she would...react..like...this..." I said between laughing at them.

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