family time *Diggy*

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Another part to "surprise surprise"
*y/n and Daniels twins are now 13 their little girl is now 12 and the little boy she was pregnant with is now 9 *
Daniel Dwayne Simmons the 4th [a.k.a d4] pov.
Daniela: maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ma what little girl
Daniela: daddy said you and d4 better hurry up
me: i gotta find my towel hold up
ma: tell yo daddy to calm down well be down in sec
something that you should know about me and my twin sister is were extreme opposites i grew up as a mamas boy and her a daddies girl

my mom was just cooler and we had more in common same thing for my sister and my dad so if an argument ever happened i had my mamas back no don't get me wrong i love my dad just the same as my mom but like i said earlier me :nd her just have more in common for example my sister raps i sing and draw/paint my sister has pretty amazing lyrics too she's to scared to tell our parents for fear of being forced to pursue and rap career and she's not sure if she wants to do it but anyway were all in
Jamaica having a family vacation our parents felt bad because they've been very busy lately more than usual so we're here getting away from it all
ma:you ready d
me : yea
we walk out to the car i hopped wayyyy in the back of the truck it was three rows of seats so me and dani got in the the third row Danielle sat in front of us and Dominick sat beside her my mom hopped in the car and kissed my dad on the cheek they were so cute but i hated their pda like ew you guys have four kids and we know how we got here but dang
y/n pov.
me and dig took the family to Jamaica because we've both been working so much but today was the last day after a week of being here we were now on our way to the beach to have a little fun in the sun we got out of the car and the kids ran on street toward the ocean
d watch out for Dom in that water
d4:yes mam
dig came behind me grabbing on my waist
i looked up at him smiling i couldn't be anymore happy
diggy: you know what I wanna do to you right now
me:no you should tell me though
diggy: make passionate love to you on every grain of sand on this beach
my cheeks were flushed after all these years and kids he still showed love and lust toward me and that made me feel sexy all the time
people always ask how we do it and we don't have this perfectly we just know that we love each other and that's all that matters
me: i wish you could
he bit his lip
dig: i can
i smiled laugh
me: noooo you cant and you making love to me got us those little bundles of joy over there and i love them very much i really do but we cant have anymore
diggy: yea but we can still have fun its been forever with work and the kids ya know?
i nodded
me: i know and i wish we could but ya know.......
diggy: i got you later
just then the kids ran up to us telling us to come playing in the water
Dom tripped and fell i ran to him being the mother that i am
diggy: shake it off your fine
me:are you okay baby
Dom:yes mommie lets go
he pointed towards the ice cream cart a few feet away
me:y'all want any
they all shook their heads no running into the water me and Dom started our little journey
Dom: can i have a little sister
i was a little shocked he loved being the baby boy or at least i thought so
me: you have to talk to your dad about that
he pouted
Dom:but mommieeee you have to carry her so i thought it was your decision
he did have a point
me:well Dom me and your dad have to agree on it ...and i think we have a nice perfect little family right here i love you being my baby boy
truth is the age difference between all of them would be crazy i haven't been had a baby since 8 years ago and I've been taking birth control but you can really explain that to a nine year old boy we finally make it to the ice cream cart
Dom:can i have the chocolate ice cream cone
he looked up at me
me:are you gonna be careful
me:okay well have one chocolate ice cream cone
i said looking at the man who wasn't focused on my words or even my mouth he was focused my boobs and every once in a while his eyes would travel even lower
me:did daddy want one?
i said so the man could take a hint
Dom:no i don't think so why aren't you getting one mommie
me:I'm fine Dom
the man handed Dom the ice cream
me:how much will that be
Dom:its on the house have a nice day
i smiled
me: thank you
me and Dom rushed away
Dom:mommie did we steal this ice cream
me:no the nice man just gave it to us for free
his face lit up
Dom:that's nice
me:yea i know
we go over to the rest of the family who was sitting on the beach exhausted from all that playing dig was laying down on his back i went over and sat on his waist mmmm the things i would do to him if our kids weren't right there i reached down and kissed him it got pretty heated fast he was rubbing all over my ass and it felt so good
Dom:daddy guess what
we quickly pulled apart dig sat up i was still on his lap Dom stood to our right
dig:yes sir
Dom:i got free ice cream
dig:and why is that
Dom:well the nice man said its on the house
i saw digs facial expression i was in trouble i laughed at the though
dig:and what did mommie say
Dom:she smiled and said thank you
i was currently blushing
dig:well that very nice of him
Dom;well I'm gonna go now
he ran off all that sugar may have been a bad idea
dig bit his lip at me
dig:everywhere we go its always a nigga trynna get with you
me: at least you know that you made a good choice
dig:well i would know that regardless because every time i look into your eyes and see the love you have for me mirrored nothing can replace that and nobody can tell me any different about the love you have for me so of course other niggas would want that but you're mine
i pecked his lips he went to my neck kissing on it i moaned looking at Dom i backed away
me:your youngest child wants a little sister
dig laughed
dig:when can get him a dog or a cat or something
me:I'm on birth control
digs eyes got wide
dig:for how long
his jaw was clenched
me: a couple of months
dig:and when the hell where you gonna tell me
me:um when.......
i bit my lip
dig:you don't wanna have my kids
i laughed
me:we literally have 4 kids so if i didn't want to have your kids it would be to late further more your attitude is crazy like our baby is 9 and our twins are 13 do you know how sad that would be for a kid all his or her siblings being that much older than them babe I'm thinking about the child that not fun for anybody to go through
he bit his lip
dig:okay but still doesn't excuse the fact that you made a decision like that and didn't tell me until later
me: I was scared honestly ...I didn't want you to be hurt or fell like this had to do with us as relationship cause we're good
he nodded and pecked my lips
dig:please just tell me stuff to keep this relationship open and honest especially if you can be hurt
i nodded
the kids all came rushing over
Dani:we're ready to go
me:excuse you
Dani: you guys are over here all booed up in your words and were bored and wanna go to sleep before the long plane ride tonight ...soo may we go
me and dig laughed
me:we were talking sorry
d4:its cool guys we also notice that you guys need some time by yourself so when we get back instead of you guys using your extra free vacation week on us you should spend it together we'll go to grandmas house and yes we already asked
dig:well fine then guys sounds like a good plan
i stood up and we all headed toward the car
*time skip*
Dani pov.
we just got home and we were packing to go to our grand parents house me and daddy could tell mommie and daddy needed "alone time" us being the oldest we decided to make it happen being teen agers make us responsible but anyway we finally got done grandad was downstairs him and my dad were talking and i were talking i walked out to them laughing hard d4 and Daniela and Dom were already downstairs waiting for me
daddy looked at me
dad:ready princess
i nodded he made d4 carry my bags and Dom Carry Daniela's he mumbled about teaching them to be responsible men or something like that we did a group hug and with mommie then she kiss all of us one by one opening the door so we could hop in and just like that we were gone
Daniela pov.
i turned to my beautiful wife and we walked into the house i kissed her forehead i could tell she was thinking hard about something
me:whats wrong
she said very quickly meaning something was wrong
me: tell me
y/n:um is it wrong that i miss the kids but I'm kinda glad that they wanted to be at your parents house because i really need to have sex like its a need and i know we just had the disagreement about the birth control and that i should've told you and yes i should have i really should have but um yea and i want you bad sooooo badly
me: lets go i want you to
she pouted
y/n I'm so tired thoughhhhhhhhhhh
i could tell she was frustrated with herself
dig:okay we'll wait its okay
i smiled and picked her up kissing her cheek walking her upstairs and laying her down she was tired being a mom can do that to you how dare i try and force another child on her ..on us
i laid her down she almost immediately fell asleep
*the next morning*
im making a part two to this part hope you guys enjoyed vote comment follow
also thank you to the ones who have been doing that

One Shots *Trevor Jackson,Lamelo Ball,Justin combs,diggy, and many many moreee*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang