perfectly imperfect

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He got in......
Klay pov.
I sat down and put on my seat belt she took off I just kept looking at her mesmerized her beauty  I could see  that felt me staring at her her cheeks were so red and she was smiling "klay stop being  weird" "I'm sorry you're just so ...." I bit my lip at her "so um..."
"You're really shy huh?" She just nodded  her head I placed my hand on her thigh she moaned a little "no I'm a good noddle"  I laughed she did too "I just said that out loud" "yea you did" I moved my hand back and forth massaging  her thigh "klay get to know me I don't just have sex with everyone" "I wasn't trying to get in your pants" "I'm just saying . ..  before you do" "assertive I like it" "so tell me about yourself" "how about I tell you how I think you are and you can correct  me?" "Okay" "well I already know that your shy you can cook your from the south but not the deep south you love what you do you're a hard worker and you want some to be able  to  take some off the stress off of your shoulders  not add on more and you want a boyfriend  you just don't wanna do anything to get him......" "what do you mean by that last part" "it mean that you're a stay at home girl you work go out friends occasionally  and then come home" she started smiling and laughing a little "did you met me in a pass life?" I smiled "not that I know of" "well you were right about everything I'm an okay cook I from north  Carolina I am Hard worker and I take pride in that and I am very much a homebody" I cheered silently to myself "well guess some stuff about me" "okay well you're also a very hard worker  you don't like to be taken advantage  of you don't get mad easily but once you get mad it a hard to calm you down and you're tall" I laughed at her "You're short" she faked pouted  turning into her drive and cutting the car off " I'm average height for a female" we got out of the car I grabbed  her dance bag and she said thank you as she walked in "this is an an amazing  place" she smiled "thanks I like to think I was a interior  designer in my past life" "well I'll have to get you to do my place" she smirked and grabbed her bad heading upstairs "make yourself at home I have to warm up dinner after I hope in the shower"  I nodded like she could see me I went and sat on the couch watch some TV show I never even heard of within 20 minutes should came downstairs looking so beautiful I cant even describe it was just everything I needed to see I bit my lip at her "I hope I didn't take to long" "you didn't" before I knew she was in my face grabbing  my hand pulling me up from my sitting position "well come on" we walked into the kitchen she turned the oven on low "it's lasagna I hope that's okay" she stood next to the island  I sat down at one of the many chairs pulled up to it "it's perfect I love pasta" she pulled herself  up on the island and turned her body toward me "me too" it got quiet but it's wasn't awkward  silence it was more like us trying to figure each other out she started to speak "what are your intentions with me do you just wanna be friends do you wanna date ....because I'm fine with both..really" I can she was beating herself up in her head for that not coming out as smoothly  as she probably thought it would I couldn't stop smiling at her she was perfectly  imperfect  "well I'm already catching feelings so I can't  just be your friend  and even though  we haven't been on a date i want you  to be my girlfriend . .." she smiled and exhaled "I would love to be Mr . Thompson" I smiled standing up and I went in for the kiss she kissed back this strong passionate sexy and beautiful I pulled away her cheeks were red "you blush a lot" she smiled and went back in For another kiss this time this one was interrupted  by the door bell "thats because you're  making me nervous and weird and I must really like you" she hopped down and went and answered the door "come on in guys that food is still warming but should be ready in less than five minutes... you guys can go into the dinning  room" next thing in knew she was back in the kitchen "you should join them" I smirked going back is in for an kiss I pulled  away after a while and pecked her lips again "yes mam" I headed  toward the door I heard her let out a whisper scream I could tell she was excited  for what the future holds and I am too
Didn't get time to proof read guys so sorry and I think this is gonna be a mini series now so yea hope you enjoyed  Comment and vote please

 you guys can go into the dinning  room" next thing in knew she was back in the kitchen "you should join them" I smirked going back is in for an kiss I pulled  away after a while and pecked her lips again "yes mam" I headed  toward the door I hear...

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