His guest star *jesse Williams*

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so I gotta request to do another Jesse Williams imagine s/o to that person but anywho this fantasy in the beginning is speaking about racial issues and problems in the  lgbtq communities if your uncomfortable with that you might wanna skip the dialogue  lol but please dont leave hateful ass comments if you don't agree  but anyway this one was fun to write please comment throughout the chapter I was see how your thoughts progressed but anyway enjoy

Kourtney pov.
I was an up and coming actress on the set of greys anatomy  I was gonna be playing a girl who  like to have a lot  of sex and broke her friends with benefits penis ..well not really broke but fractured she is an independent educated beautiful woman that dr.avery ends up falling for  it was an amazing part I was on two episodes I might  be on more who knows  we just wrapped up the last one the cast we're all going out for drinks after wrapping up this episode and Jesse asked me to come I was little shocked to say the least but after he continued to ask I went ahead and did so we went out to bar down the street and everyone seem to really be intrigued with me but as the night progressed and it started to get late people started to call uber one by one leaving and then their was two ...me and Jesse his beautiful eyes pierced mine and then we started talking about real shit like the realist shit "I just don't understand why people of color don't understand that we're still not equal to white people and I don't know if ever well be because for every white person who isn't racist and well march with people of color to get basic human rights you have five white people who are saying send them back to Mexico send them back to africa just take them someone where anywhere but here but some people of color have this ..Idk what to call but it's like it's a lace blind fold over their eyes and so they can see but they can't see everything and the things that do see are little fuzzy and blurry and dont really make sense so they just skip over it and that pisses me off" I was currently ranting because that's what I do when I'm drunk my truth comes out I was drunk but I was aware and I can tell he just kept smiling at me "it pisses us all off but most of won't say anything and that's where most of the problems die because If all of us where to stand together we wouldn't be going through this shit still you have crazy ass people in office and people of color are still getting paid less for the same job  people of color still have stereotypes on them like you .. according to america you probably should've had been pregnant at sixteen cause your hoe" "ya know what that is true but you know what also helps raciest in america points on how women of of color are more likely to get pregnant rather than graduate high school and are nothing but sex objects" "who?" "let's focus on the black woman how many couples do see now in days where the man and the woman are both black ? not a lot wanna know why? because black men don't wife black women as often because their crazy their strong they don't need him they want him and black men ...really all mean have this really big pride and ego thing where you want to be needed so when a woman doesn't need you it's a turn off of course you want your woman to have a job but you dont want her to make more money than you a stereotypical black woman is great to have sex with because her lips are full her hair is curly and her ass claps when you slid in her ....and that's the only time you feel like you might have the upper hand against her" "I couldn't agree with you more however that's not every black man and black women's story" "agreed but all I'm saying is as soon as I walk into the room as a black woman either  people automatically give me respect because they're scared of the consequences of not doing so or they completely ignore more or follow me around to make sure i'm not taking something or they try to piss me of to make me snap ..do you not see the problem here woman of color have it worse than any other demographic because they're hispanic , Native american , African american or Asian and then their a woman and in this 'mans world' we are still looked at as lessers and that has just been the case since the beginning of time with women in general" "I like talking to you" I chuckled "thanks?" I said with question in my voice  he laughed "let me explain I'm smart I speak about these things all the time and I'm very educated however , I have never talked to a black woman who shared the same views as me and actually made sense and you have a whole different perspective than I do and you just opened my eyes to whole nother side to this whole thing" I smirked "glad I could help ...that side comes out of me when I drink" "so you don't usually talk about the race issues in america" "honestly no I do use the little platform I have to try and break the stereotypes of people of color so we dont have our girls out here pregnant at 13 and cant even finish growing up before raising somebody else but thats still not gonna stop our young men for being killed because he is 6'2 and 180 pounds with a hoodie on he must be a danger lets kill him ..its gonna take the strong senseible people in america to stand together to try and fix that one ...no one should die because of how they were born" "anything else you feel strongly about" "people of color who oppress the lgbtq communities ...I'm not saying you have to agree with their life style because everybody has the right to believe in what they want to believe in however, how ignorant do you have to be to not be able to realize the shit that they're going through its the same thing black people went through like the problems with bathrooms or the fact that  people are still mad that gay people can get married ...separate but equal right ..people are ignorant and that's what pisses me off the most so I try to help educate" I shrugged my shoulders "but I'm not a expert I'm just spreading what I know and what I believe in" "It's good that your doing that ...it's just so refreshing talking to you" is it me or has gotten closer to me? I looked down at my phone it was three in the morning "O gosh we should go it 3 am" we have literally been talking for hours he had sobered up I can tell he doesnt drink that much both of us could drive home legally but neither of us drove her he laughed "you wanna share a uber" "yea you wanna  go halfcies?" "wanna go half ..what" I laughed "it means you pay for half and I pay for the half" "o know it's fine I got it ..um but where are you staying?" "O i'm in between homes currently in a hotel room" "so your homeless?" I thought about it "yea I guess but I'm not like starving and all that stuff I just moved to La so yea I'm homeless"  I laughed a little "so how long have you been there" "um about a month ...Shonda has a deal with the manager it's free I'm fine" "o well that's good come home with me" I lifted my perfectly groomed eyebrow "excuse me?" "i'm newly single and I don't have my kids this week ..so spend the night" he bit his lip "what makes you think I would just go home with you even though we're newly friends" I smiled "because you're attracted to me and I'm not just saying that because most women are I'm saying that because you kinda give yourself up with your body language" I bit my lip "are you attracted to me?" "what man who likes women isn't? I laughed "thanks for the offer but.." he kissed me "you only have to tell me no one more time ...go home with me?" "only if you agree that if I don't wanna stay or If I get there and I say this is a bad idea ...than you want be secretly crazy and try to rape me or some other crazy shit" he looked at me funny "you know me come on man"we laughed hard "lets go than" we paid for our drinks and then we walked outside the uber drove up shortly after and then about 20 minutes later I was in his house being kissed passionately and I honestly don't do this I'm not the one night stand type of girl but I do like sex and he seems like he could give me good sex really good sex and I wanted it he picked me up and carried me to his couch "O I can't even get fucked in a bed cool" I chuckled I was joking  I didn't really care he didn't owe me anything  he picked me up taking me to the kitchen I looked at him funny "drunk in love" he answered my facial expression ooo beyonce that was romantic in some sick way she woke up in the kitchen wondering how did this happen I guess I will to tomorrow "but we're not really drunk" "do you just wanna talk or do you wanna actually .. ... not that I'm forcing you cause you can still spend the night and we can rant some more" I kissed him "rant later sex now im horny" he smiled kissing me and sliding my pants off roughly I did the same to him he steeped out of his jeans and picked me up and putting me on the counter sliding right inside of me I gasp for air he looked at me confused "were you a virgin?" "no Um just havent had sex in for ever forgot what dick felt like" we laugh but I was serious it had been monthssssssssssss my who hah was defiantly happy "fuck me what are you waiting for" I whined he started of slowly I shook my head no "faster" he kissed me "I'm in charge ma ..remember that" he speed up anyway I slienetly thanked God cause lets be real here we're not making love we're fuckin I might never even see him again if I don't become a character on the show "Mmmmmmmmmm Jesse" I slid back on the counter he pulled me closer to him "you can't take all that shit and then run from this dick" he smirked I chuckled trying to breath "I just almost called you Jackson Avery" "wow you're that drunk" I playfully hit him he went deeper "ughhhh" and speed up "O shit" my soaked walls clench to him pulling him deeper and holding on to him like they never had a dick in between them that's almost embarrassing I started grinding against  him since he made me stick close to him "ughhhhhhhh" I took his shirt off because I needed to see that amazing body he did the same with mine going for my bra but I smacked his hand "I like it on" he stopped mid stroke "what are you doing" "what did I say ealier?" he spanked me how did he know that I like that I stayed grinding against him since he didnt bother to take his dick out of me ..I can't believe I'm letting him hit raw bad Idea kourtney bad fucking Idea "you not gon answer" "you're in charge?"' "right so take it off or I''m stoping" I just blankly stared at him he waited a while then he slowly started romoving himself from me I crossed my legs behind his back he pushed them off "please don't stop" I whined begging him he left just the tip inside of me still not speaking a word I reached behind me Unhooking my bra sliding it off with an attitude  "happy?" he slammed back inside me going fast hard and deeper than ever "next time I'll bring you right up to an orgasm and  won't let you finish listen to me when I tell you do something you fucking do it" he said to me roughly in my ear holding my hips hard My boobs we're great some have even called them fantastic but I dont really like when I'm having sex and they bounce around every where so the bra keeps them held down so that's why I like wearing bras during sex "FUCKKKKKKKKKK" "did you fucking her me?" "YESSSSSSSSSSS AHHHHHHHHHH" "yes what?" he groaned ..daddy? he didn't seem like a daddy man idk what I should say "YESSSSSSSSS JESSE" "no say my name" "AHHHHH AHHHHH MMMMMMMMMM
" I bit my lip " you still not listening?"he slowed down  "no please don't stop I'm listening" "whats my name than" he speed back up "Mr.WILLIAMSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" he spanked my ass "that's right and you better remember it" "UGHHHH MAY I CUM" "you learn fast" he chuckled in my ear I was gonna blow any second now I just needed permission "this my pussy" "AHHHHHHHH" "no use words ..is this my fucking pussy" guys shouldn't ask those questions cause of course I'm gonna lie to you boost your weak ass ego any question a guy ask during sex is gonna be yes ..when it good "YES YES YES IT's YOURS ALL YOURS" "cum" I threw my head back cumming hard he continued stoking slowly so I could ride out my high he pulled at when I was done slowly stroking his dick "what do you say?""thank you Mr.williams" my voice was shaky he smirked "show me your thankful ..make me cum" He picked me up letting me rest on my feet ...just barely my legs haven't got their feeling back I got on my knees taking him right in my mouth deep throating him flicking my tongue up and down while I suck and massaging his balls it took all he had not to scream after about 2 minutes he got real close and I let him fuck my throat until he came "Swallow it" I obeyed once he was done I tried to stand up he helped me up taking me upstairs to his bed and then he started walking out of the room "where are you going" "to sleep on the couch" I looked at him funny "I just had your dick in my mouth we can share a bed" he laughed and we spooned "we should keep doing this ..I like your pussy being mine ...and I like the fact when I asked you what my name was you didn't say daddy ..that shit is weird" I smiled I'm glad I didn't either then he probably would've stop   I turned around to face him "so Mr.williams will this be a  girlfriend and  boyfriend thing or just friends with benefits" "lets do the whole friend thing that might lead to girlfriend boyfriend...but don't give my pussy away" "okay" he had taken ownership of my pussy and was nothing I could do about it because as long as he keeps fucking me like he just did it was his and it didn't wanna belong to anyone else

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