Chapter 3

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Liam's P.O.V

Today is Johnny's birthday, Emily is with him right now and to be honest I have never hated someone so much. Why does he get to hang out with her so much, can't she see we would be better of together. They have become really close, the most me and Emily have done is play pool together, but Johnny was 'helping' her the whole time, so she didn't notice me at all. Johnny is obviously flirting with her and soon enough he is going to make his move. I can't let him do that though, she has to be with me, me and Emily are perfect for each other. 

"Liam will you please concentrate and hang up those decorations, the party is starting soon." MIke said impatiently. I don't want to hang up decorations for a girl stealing guy. I still don't understand what Johnny has that I don't. Maybe I intimidate her, no, who could intimidate Emily she is probably the toughest one here. So why doesn't she like me.

"Its really sweet that you are helping decorate for Johnny." Emily said as she handed me more decorations.

"Yeah, I do care he is like my brother I guess." I said lying to her. I don't care, why would I care about Johnny. Although it made Emily smile, which is my main goal.

"Can you keep a secret?" Emily said looking up at me. I nodded still hanging up decorations.

"Johnny asked me to be his girlfriend." Emily said, I bit my lip trying to keep my temper in.

"What did you say?" I said through gritted teeth.

"I said I need to think about it, but I will probably say yes." Emily said, my heart sank. No she can't say yes. Johnny doesn't get it, she is my girl.

"Do you really like Johnny?" I asked looking down at her beautiful face. She bit her lip.

"Its hard to tell really, i'm not even sure myself. He can be so sweet, kind, caring, but when he is with his friends he turns into a little bit of a jerk. I do like that he takes an interest in my life and all but sometimes he pressure me a bit too much and makes me angry. I don't really know how to answer your question. I just feel like maybe Johnny is the only guy that likes me, and will ever like me. Guys are normally intimidated by my anger issues, so they stay away from me, but not Johnny." She said. How could she not think guys don't like her. She is perfect and I mean absolutely gorgeous in everyway.

"Why don't you think guys like you?" I asked, generally interested. She sighed and looked down.

"They normally walk away from me or they don't take an interest in me. If they do it's just for sex, and I am not that kind of girl." She said.

"So you are waiting until marriage then?" I asked, a little upset, I hoped with could do that a little sooner. 

"No, just waiting for the right guy. One that actually truly cares and will love me even after they see all my flaws." She said handing me more decorations. 

"Well, I don't believe you have any flaws." I said looking at her. I watched her cheeks turn a deep shade of red.

"No, I have flaws and a lot of them." She said. I bit my lip and looked at her. 

"Your flaws are what make up you, and I think you are perfect." I said and she smiled at me with her perfect smile.

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