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"Isolde, rise!"

His voice thundered around the room, sending the candle flames into a flickering frenzy. I could only watch their spastic dance for a moment before the compulsion urged me forward. Rising to my feet, the dress settled around my ankles; brushing the ground as I started toward the dais. As often as I'd done this, you would think it would be second nature to me. There are just some things you never really get used to; this was one of them. Trying desperately to ignore the feeling of hundreds of eyes locked on me, I took my place in front of my father.

"Filia, the need arises once again."

As I was taught from the time I could speak, I bowed my head in ascent.

"Genuflectitur," he murmured gently, still maintaining the air of extreme authority.

Hoisting the dress a bit, I lowered myself to the cold, unforgiving stone floor. Lunging forward, he gripped my face between his hands; pressing his thumbs above my eyes. The unnerving sight of smoke trailing away in my vision never failed to nauseate me. I felt no pain yet the sensation of the image being "burned" into my mind wasn't easy to shake. Just as he always had, he leaned forward to place a kiss on my forehead; sealing the connection. Releasing his hold, he leaned back in his chair, panting with the exertion of the transfer. My eyes flew open, the room taking on new vibrancy and life through the haze he had passed on. The "obutum animae;" "eyes of the soul," they called it. Allowing me to see the "true colors" of anyone and anything I focused on. It came as no surprise that black was the predominant color in the room. Corbin's aura however, never failed to confuse me. His slate gray robe matched the majority of his permanent shadow, yet the golden outline reflected the rim surrounding his bright green eyes. Shaking my head and blinking rapidly, I waited for the part I hated most; The Naming. It would be so much easier if I didn't know who I was literally leading to death; no matter how much they deserved it.

"Son of Death, rise!" His voice rang out once again, having regained it's previous gusto.

Corbin jerked his head up, causing me to snort; sleeping again. One stern look from Seth silenced me; forcing my gaze down again. The hem of his robe came into view and I braced myself for the unwelcome contact. The Naming was for his benefit not mine, but I still had to endure that rush of unpleasant knowledge. His job was much more difficult than mine. Where I was simply a venator, he was "iudex, Jurati et carnificis." Simply by seeing the target my father, Seth, had given me, he could see every sin committed. From there, it was his decision; he sealed their fate. His father, Seker, had passed on the responsibility and the majority of his power at the turn of the century just as Seth had done to me; a birthday gift neither of us wanted.

"Isolde, ostende mihi," the familiar command resonated through me.

His voice was liquid velvet and thanks to the bond we shared, sent a wave of sensual electricity through my veins. Lifting my head, I met his glazed over stare; taking comfort in the fact that it was not me he saw at the moment. Taking a breath, I recited the words necessary for the exchange.

"Through the obutum animae; gaze."

Placing one hand on my head, his own fell back; hood slipping off to reveal his spiked blonde hair. Images rushed from my mind to his, causing bile to rise in my throat. This target was one of the worst I had "seen;" adulterer, molester, violent abuser and even murderer. Even I knew what Corbin's verdict would be. His hand slipped from my head, brushing my cheek on it's descent back to his side. The milky haze faded from his eyes and he addressed the temple congregation in a voice not unlike his father's; raspy and disembodied.


The hall erupted in twisted cheers and applause. The man in the business suit had been sentenced to die and I would be the one to lead Death to his door.


Filia: Daughter
Genuflectitur: Kneel
venator: hunter
iudex, Jurati et carnificis: judge, jury and executioner
ostende mihi: Show me
Mortem: Death

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