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The rain steadily pelted our weary bodies while the wind continued its onslaught. Yet in that moment, none of it seemed to matter as I stared down at the life I had saved. Corbin's eyes were brighter but only I could sense the exhaustion within their depths. I brushed the damp tendrils of hair from my face before doing the same for him.

"We need to get out of here," I whispered to no one in particular.

Corbin shook with a chill and took a rattling breath.

"Where can we go? I guarantee there won't be a 'welcome home' party for us back in your father's realm."

I chewed my bottom lip as I felt my anxiety level starting to rise. Surely no hotel would welcome us without questioning our current state of appearance. My eyes widened as once again my mother's voice filled my mind.

'It's time to come home child. You know the way.'

My brow furrowed at her cryptic words and I released a sigh of frustration. Even if I was half angel, there's no way the Celestial Kingdom would welcome us; I was still half demon.

'Mother it's impossible. Seth's blood still runs in my veins.'

The wind stilled and the rush of black flames caused me to scramble to the side. The black fire dissipated and in it's place my sai lie; the cold steel glinting in the moonlight.

'It is true that demonic blood coats your heart but that does not tarnish your angelic soul. You need only release it.'

' release a soul...'

My thought trailed off as realization took hold. Corbin struggled into a sitting position and I barely felt him take my hand.

"Isolde? What is it?"

The concern lacing his voice only made the truth harder to speak. Fighting back tears, I gave him a shaky smile. With a nod I released his hand and slowly slid it toward the sai that rested beside me. Gripping the hilt I said a silent prayer that he would be safe should this prove ineffective; steeling myself for what needed to be done.

"Everything's okay's going to be fine."

Leaning forward, I gently pressed my lips to his, no longer able to stem the tide of tears. My hands shook as I turned the point of the weapon. Pulling away from the kiss, I gazed into those emerald eyes.

"I love you Corbin."

With one swift motion, I plunged the razor sharp point into my heart.

The only way to release a soul was to die.

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