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My frantic gaze shifted to the man I'd grown to love; the man I called "father". His obsidian eyes held no emotion as he released the hold on my face. Every nerve in my body screamed at me to run yet my stunned limbs were unwilling to obey. Without warning, Corbin rose to his feet; fists clenched at his sides.

"Isolde, curro!"

His order bounced and echoed around the halls but I needed no further instruction. Rising to my feet, I called upon my flames and willed myself anywhere but here.

As the sunlight breached my eyelids once again, I struggled to control the frantic beating of my heart. I was back in the same alley Corbin and I had begun our journey just one day ago. Biting back tears, I shrugged out of the onyx robe and did what I could to make the dress easier to maneuver in. It was only a matter of time before Corbin followed me; he had no choice. To refuse a target meant certain death. I stepped out from the alley and surveyed the area once more. The sun would be setting soon but that gave me little advantage. Corbin and I were bonded; her would always find me. In a desperate attempt to gain some kind of headway, I started for the wood line. If nothing else, it might slow Corbin down.

Pressing onward through the brush as the sun began to settle beyond the horizon, every thought and memory forced its way to the front of my mind. Thoughts of my child flashed by in a muddled swirl of static filled images. They almost seemed...fabricated; planted. I ran for what seemed like hours before collapsing onto a downed tree. There was no sense in running from death after all. Just like they said, 'you'll only die tired.'


Curro!: Run

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