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Morning comes all too soon when you least want it to, or so I've found; not that the state of permanent darkness within my father's realm would give that fact away. Luckily I'd managed to finish packing the night before in between unwelcome visits from my father and Corbin. Shrugging out of my nightgown, I grabbed the black sweater and jeans I'd set out to wear. Pulling them on, I brushed out my long red hair; the color of the newly setting sun, Corbin always mocked. Funny when you consider the sun never rises to set here. Snorting again at the irony, I made my way down to the armory. Dad never let me keep my sai in my room; not after I damn near castrated a certain arrogant blonde who decided to use his newly gained powers to drop in one night unannounced. The metallic clanging sound and showering sparks drew me back to the present.

"Ah, Miss Isolde!"

I smiled at the burly blacksmith who had shown me nothing but kindness since birth.

"Hello Bertrund. Busy already I see?"

He sighed and put down his hammer.

"You know how your old man gets before he sends ya off."

I nodded but jerked as he shoved the newly forged blade into the bucket of water causing it to hiss and steam.

"Only the best for daddy's little girl," he muttered with uncharacteristic bitterness.

Seeming to remember himself, he grabbed the shoulder sling that held my first line of defense. Taking them, I slipped my arms through, reaching back to draw them out. Spinning them around my fingers, I admired the way the fire glinted off the sharpened steel. Bertrund beamed, clearly admiring his handiwork as I sheathed them once again. Glancing toward the corner of the room, I spotted Corbin's weapon still in place.

"He hasn't been by yet milady."

My temper flared as I clutched the staff portion of his scythe. Cliché weapon I know, I've told him that. His father had insisted upon the obsidian bladed atrocity but Corbin hadn't argued the matter.

"I'll get his majesty up," I muttered under my breath and started for his room.

This should teach him to keep me waiting. Stopping just outside his door I paused, allowing the 'flamma de nocte' to surround and consume me. The silently burning black flames gave me entry into any locked room; including Corbin's. I rolled my eyes as soon as I got inside; the snoring telling me more than I ever cared to know, as did the scent of perfume. No doubt another long night with a harem girl was to blame for this state he was in. Stepping from the fire, I shook my head at the scene.

"At least he's dressed," I murmured, staring at the face down excuse for a partner.

Gently setting the scythe against the wall, I drew my sais; quietly approaching his sleeping form. Glaring, I could sense the surge of demonic rage glowing in my eyes. Settling one knee on the edge of the bed, I flinched at the slight creak. Slowly, I positioned the main point of the weapon against his neck. Leaning in closer, I hissed in his native tongue.

"Jak se opovažuješ mě čekat!"

His green eyes flew open; immediately traveling to the point at his throat. I briefly saw demonic energy blaze in them before it slid away.

"Would you move if I said 'sorry'?"

His tone was irritatingly calm and it drove me insane.

"Not a chance daemon," I hissed.

Something sparkled in his gaze and the next thing I knew, I was on my back, wrists pinned on either side of my head in his vice-like grip. My sai clattered to the floor and I saw his eyebrows raise.

"Kinky," he smirked.

"Get off Corbin!"

I jerked from side to side, struggling to get free. All it got was a tighter hold and him straddling my waist.

"Damn you move fast," he winked down at me.

"You're a fucking pervert," I grunted, still fighting.

I paused when I saw the dark bruise surrounding his right eye. With a snort and a smirk of my own, I pushed him farther.

"What happened to your face? Finally get a concubine who found your sadistic tendencies as disturbing to witness as I do to hear about?"

The gold rimming his eyes roared to life; I hit a nerve. He lunged forward; whispering in my ear.

"Damn lucky your Seth's daughter or I promise my sadistic tendencies wouldn't just be something you hear about."

In a rush of golden sand, he and his scythe were gone; leaving me panting and wide-eyed.

'See you in the main hall Isolde. Don't make me wait.'

His caress of an order sent another shudder through me. Grabbing my Sai from the floor, I summoned the flames once again; praying our journey to the surface was swift and uneventful.

"Jak se opovažuješ mě čekat!"- How dare you make me wait!
daemon- demon
'flamma de nocte'- flame of night

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